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D3 Pharmacy

IIK Bhakta produces professional pharmaceutical experts who are ready to work and are equipped with the skills of compounding drugs, pharmacy systems and also industrial pharmaceutical simulations.

D3 Pharmacy

Degree : Diploma D3
SKS : 111
Duration : 3 Year
Title : A.Md.Far

Accreditation LAM-PTKes

Very Good |0490/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip /XII/2021

Reason to choose D3 Pharmacy in IIK Bhakta

Wide Job Prospects | D3 Pharmacy
Wide Job Prospects

Graduates are expected to work as pharmacy technicians, laboratory assistants, and drug research assistants in hospitals, pharmacies, and pharmaceutical industries.

Produces Top Talent | D3 Pharmacy
Produces Top Talent

Almost all D3 Pharmacy graduates are employed, with many securing jobs even before graduation.

Top-Notch Facilities | D3 Pharmacy
Top-Notch Facilities

D3 Pharmacy at IIK Bhakta is equipped with complete facilities, a suitable curriculum, and expert lecturers in the field.

Advanced Study Program | D3 Pharmacy
Advanced Study Program

You can directly continue your studies to the S1 Pharmacy program through the Employee Class RPL pathway.


Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.

Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :

  • Para dosen terkenal ramah dan terbuka untuk berdiskusi
  • Dosen IIK Bhakta berupaya memecahkan masalah bersama saat pembelajaran berlangsung
  • Dosen dan mahasiswa saling aktif bertukar pendapat & menghargai pendapat
  • Mahasiswa ditantang untuk belajar secara independen, inkuisitif dan terus menumbuhkan percaya diri
  • Mahasiswa dipacu untuk aktif dalam pembelajaran dan kritis dalam menanggapi isu-isu kesehatan terkini

Bhakta super app


Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada

Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:

Online Learning

Online Learning

Akses Jadwal Kuliah

Akses Jadwal Kuliah

Media Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah

Media Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah

Download Materi

Download Materi

Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa

Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa

Akses KRS & KHS

Akses KRS & KHS

Akses Nilai & Transkrip Akademik

Akses Nilai & Transkrip Akademik

Media Evaluasi Dosen

Media Evaluasi Dosen

Jemput Peluang Menjadi
Tenaga Kesehatan Profesional Sekarang!

Kembangkan Dirimu Menjadi Tenaga Farmasi Anda Bersama IIK Bhakta

Faculty of Pharmacy

Gedung Graha IIK Bhakta
Lantai 1, 2, 3
(0354) 773535

Head of D3 Pharmacy Study Program Speech

apt. Dewy Resty Basuki, M.Farm , Kaprodi D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta

Selamat Datang di D3 Pharmacy

Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Salam Sejahtera.

Sebagai Kaprodi D3 Farmasi, saya ingin menyampaikan selamat datang di halaman website D3 Farmasi IIK Bhakta. Terima kasih telah memberi kepercayaan kepada kami untuk mewujudkan mimpi menjadi tenaga kesehatan profesional dan menjadi bagian dari program studi ini.

Farmasi adalah bidang yang sangat penting dalam sistem kesehatan, karena farmasis memiliki peran vital dalam menyediakan obat-obatan yang aman dan efektif kepada masyarakat. Sebagai mahasiswa di program studi D3 Farmasi, Anda akan belajar tentang berbagai aspek ilmu farmasi, termasuk farmakologi, formulasi sediaan obat, farmakokinetika, etika profesional, dan masih banyak lagi.

Selama masa studi Anda di sini, saya ingin mengajak Anda untuk berkomitmen dalam mengejar pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang profesional farmasi yang berkualitas. Kami akan memberikan dukungan penuh dalam proses pembelajaran Anda, termasuk melalui pengajaran yang berkualitas, penelitian, serta pengalaman praktis di lapangan.

Selain itu, saya juga mendorong Anda untuk aktif dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan organisasi mahasiswa, karena ini akan membantu Anda mengembangkan keterampilan kepemimpinan dan jejaring yang sangat berharga untuk masa depan Anda.

Terakhir, saya harap Anda dapat memanfaatkan setiap kesempatan yang ada di program studi ini untuk tumbuh dan berkembang sebagai seorang profesional farmasi yang tangguh. Kami sebagai staf pengajar siap membantu Anda mencapai potensi terbaik Anda.

Selamat bergabung di Program Studi D3 Farmasi IIK Bhakta! Saya yakin perjalanan studi Anda akan menjadi pengalaman yang memuaskan dan memberikan kontribusi yang berarti bagi perkembangan karier Anda di masa mendatang.

Kaprodi D3 Pharmacy

apt. Dewy Resty Basuki, M.Farm

35 Tahun

lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan


Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional


Kurikulum Praktek


To become an excellent Study Program in the management of education, research, and community engagement in the field of herbal pharmaceuticals based on the PLUS culture by the year 2025.



  1. Provide high-quality vocational education to produce excellent pharmacy technical personnel.
  2. Conduct high-quality research to advance knowledge and technology in pharmaceutical services and herbal medicine industries based on the utilization of natural resources and national culture to support education and community service development.
  3. Deliver high-quality community service in pharmaceutical services and herbal medicine industries by utilizing knowledge and technology to improve the quality of life and health of the community.
  4. Develop the institution towards efficient and effective modern management with a focus on goal achievement based on quality assurance systems and integrated information management systems while upholding the PLUS culture (Excellent in service, Noble in character, Superior in creativity, and Prosperous in community life).


Educational Objectives of the D3 Pharmacy Study Program:

  1. To produce technically skilled and accountable pharmacy professionals through academic education.
  2. To generate high-quality research for the development of innovative knowledge and technology in the field of pharmaceutical services and herbal pharmaceutical industries, based on the utilization of natural resources and national culture to support educational and community service development.
  3. To provide high-quality community service based on expertise in pharmaceutical services and herbal pharmaceutical industries, empowering and enhancing the quality of life and health of the community.
  4. To establish an institution that moves towards efficient and effective modern management, oriented towards achieving goals based on a quality assurance system and an integrated information management system while upholding the PLUS culture (Excellent in service, Noble in character, Superior in creativity, and Prosperous in community life).

Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester

Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.


1. Organizing pharmaceutical preparations and health supplies under the pharmacist’s supervision.

2. Calculating the cost of drugs and medical supplies.

3. Performing prescription and non-prescription services.

4. Providing services, information and education of drugs, limited free drugs and medical supplies under pharmacist’s supervision

5. Organizing administrative activities in pharmacies and hospitals.

6. Organizing extraction procedures.

7. Calculating randemen extraction.

8. Identifying active substances from natural materials by microscopy, physical properties and thin layer chromatography.

9. Proposing the planning concept of the initial purchase of pharmaceutical industry, traditional medicines, cosmetics, medical devices, food and beverages.

10. Organizing of starting materials, bulk products, intermediate products and finished products in the pharmaceutical industry, traditional medicine and medical devices.

11. Organizing monitoring of environmental conditions and laboratory equipment under pharmacist’s supervision

12. Organizing production procedures and evaluating sterile and non-sterile pharmaceutical preparations under pharmacist’s supervision


Supporting Competencies:

1. Planning the procurement of pharmaceutical preparations and health supplies.

2. Receiving, storing and distributing medical supplies and pharmaceutical preparations.

3. Storage of goods in warehouses based on CPOB storage standards (FIFO and FEFO).

4. Helping the pharmacist to monitor expired goods and their destruction.

5. Receiving and handling returned goods.

6. Weighing raw materials for the production process.

7. Carrying out the storage and transferring raw materials, packaging materials, bulk products, intermediate products and finished products during the production process.

8. Organizing laboratory equipment inspection

9. Increasing knowledge and skills in accordance with working requirements.


Other Competencies:

1. Able to provide pharmaceutical services by upholding the noble values ​​of the profession.

2. Have Leadership.

3. Able to work together in pharmaceutical management.

4. Have an entrepreneurial spirit.

5. Able to communicate well in pharmaceutical services.

Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta

Pengembangan Kompetensi Mahasiswa dengan PBL dan PKL

Mahasiswa D3 Farmasi melaksanakan PKL sebagai tenaga teknis kefarmasian pada semester 6 (enam) selama satu bulan yang bertempat di RS. Bhayangkara Surabaya, apotek Kimia Farma Surabaya, Malang, Kediri dan sejumlah daerah lainnya di Jawa Timur.

35 Tahun Lebih Berpengalaman dalam Mencetak Tenaga Ahli Kesehatan

IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.

Bidang Kerja Lulusan
D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta

Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit
Pedagang Besar Farmasi
Pedagang Besar Farmasi
Industri Farmasi
Industri Farmasi
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
PNS / Karyawan Swasta

Apa Kata Alumni tentang D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta?

Testimonial from Ana Fitria Ningtyas, graduate of  D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta

I am an alumna of the D3 Pharmacy program at Bhakti Wiyata Institute of Health Sciences, Kediri, graduating in 2011. During my time at Bhakti Wiyata, I felt like I had a new family because the sense of brotherhood within the institute was strong. I am grateful and proud to have pursued my studies at Bhakti Wiyata. The teaching methods I experienced during my three years there proved to be beneficial as I faced the professional world. The practical-oriented learning system and the excellent synergy between the professors and students provided great motivation. It inspired me personally to become more independent and advance in my career. I would like to express my gratitude to Bhakti Wiyata Institute of Health Sciences, Kediri. I hope the institution continues to progress and maintain its quality.

Ana Fitria Ningtyas
Graduation Year 2011
Drug Administrator in Dinas Kabupaten Kediri (UPTD Puskesmas Kayen Kidul)

Testimonial from Viki Dwi Agustin, graduate of  D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta

Studying at D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta was incredibly enjoyable. Besides making friends from various regions, I gained a lot of experience during fieldwork practice. I acquired a wealth of knowledge from both theoretical studies and practical laboratory work. The lecture facilities were complete and comfortable. Moreover, the student services were prompt. Now, thanks to the knowledge and experience gained from IIK Bhakta, I am working as a pharmacy technician at Panasea Medika Carubans Main Inpatient Clinic.

Viki Dwi Agustin
Graduation Year 2020
Pharmacy technical staff at Panasea Medika Carubans Main Inpatient Clinic. in Panasea Medika Carubans Main Inpatient Clinic.

Testimonial from Dwi Ary Mucharriroh, graduate of  D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta

Attending IIK Bhaktas education indeed has been immensely beneficial for me. Besides complementing my job, the instructors at IIK Bhakta provide useful teachings. The facilities provided are also on par with other universities. I gained a lot of knowledge from both theoretical studies and practical laboratory work. The lecture facilities are complete and comfortable. Moreover, the student services are prompt. Now, thanks to the knowledge and experience from IIK Bhakta, I am working at the Physical Chemistry Quality Control Laboratory of PT.Novapharin Gresik.

Dwi Ary Mucharriroh
Graduation Year 2014
Physical Chemistry Quality Control Laboratory in PT. Novapharin Gresik

Course Distribution


distribusi mata kuliah

Fasilitas Laboratorium
D3 Pharmacy

Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.

Lab Simulasi Apotek
Lab Farmakognisi
Lab Biologi Farmasi
Lab Farmasetika
Lab Teknologi Sediaan Solida
Lab Teknologi Sediaan Steril
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab Parasitologi
Lab Instrument
Lab Farmakologi
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Biologi Farmasi
Lab Analisis Obat
Lab Simulasi Apotek
Lab Farmakognisi
Lab Biologi Farmasi
Lab Farmasetika
Lab Teknologi Sediaan Solida
Lab Teknologi Sediaan Steril
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab Parasitologi
Lab Instrument
Lab Farmakologi
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Biologi Farmasi
Lab Analisis Obat
360 Campus Tour IIK Bhakta

Reason to choose D3 Pharmacy in IIK Bhakta

Wide Job Prospects | D3 Pharmacy
Wide Job Prospects

Graduates are expected to work as pharmacy technicians, laboratory assistants, and drug research assistants in hospitals, pharmacies, and pharmaceutical industries.

Produces Top Talent | D3 Pharmacy
Produces Top Talent

Almost all D3 Pharmacy graduates are employed, with many securing jobs even before graduation.

Top-Notch Facilities | D3 Pharmacy
Top-Notch Facilities

D3 Pharmacy at IIK Bhakta is equipped with complete facilities, a suitable curriculum, and expert lecturers in the field.

Advanced Study Program | D3 Pharmacy
Advanced Study Program

You can directly continue your studies to the S1 Pharmacy program through the Employee Class RPL pathway.


Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.

Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :

  • Para dosen terkenal ramah dan terbuka untuk berdiskusi
  • Dosen IIK Bhakta berupaya memecahkan masalah bersama saat pembelajaran berlangsung
  • Dosen dan mahasiswa saling aktif bertukar pendapat & menghargai pendapat
  • Mahasiswa ditantang untuk belajar secara independen, inkuisitif dan terus menumbuhkan percaya diri
  • Mahasiswa dipacu untuk aktif dalam pembelajaran dan kritis dalam menanggapi isu-isu kesehatan terkini

Bhakta super app


Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada

Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:

Online Learning

Online Learning

Akses Jadwal Kuliah

Akses Jadwal Kuliah

Media Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah

Media Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah

Download Materi

Download Materi

Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa

Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa

Akses KRS & KHS

Akses KRS & KHS

Akses Nilai & Transkrip Akademik

Akses Nilai & Transkrip Akademik

Media Evaluasi Dosen

Media Evaluasi Dosen

Jemput Peluang Menjadi
Tenaga Kesehatan Profesional Sekarang!

Kembangkan Dirimu Menjadi Tenaga Farmasi Anda Bersama IIK Bhakta

Faculty of Pharmacy

Gedung Graha IIK Bhakta
Lantai 1, 2, 3
(0354) 773535

Head of D3 Pharmacy Study Program Speech

apt. Dewy Resty Basuki, M.Farm , Kaprodi D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta

Selamat Datang di D3 Pharmacy

Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Salam Sejahtera.

Sebagai Kaprodi D3 Farmasi, saya ingin menyampaikan selamat datang di halaman website D3 Farmasi IIK Bhakta. Terima kasih telah memberi kepercayaan kepada kami untuk mewujudkan mimpi menjadi tenaga kesehatan profesional dan menjadi bagian dari program studi ini.

Farmasi adalah bidang yang sangat penting dalam sistem kesehatan, karena farmasis memiliki peran vital dalam menyediakan obat-obatan yang aman dan efektif kepada masyarakat. Sebagai mahasiswa di program studi D3 Farmasi, Anda akan belajar tentang berbagai aspek ilmu farmasi, termasuk farmakologi, formulasi sediaan obat, farmakokinetika, etika profesional, dan masih banyak lagi.

Selama masa studi Anda di sini, saya ingin mengajak Anda untuk berkomitmen dalam mengejar pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang profesional farmasi yang berkualitas. Kami akan memberikan dukungan penuh dalam proses pembelajaran Anda, termasuk melalui pengajaran yang berkualitas, penelitian, serta pengalaman praktis di lapangan.

Selain itu, saya juga mendorong Anda untuk aktif dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan organisasi mahasiswa, karena ini akan membantu Anda mengembangkan keterampilan kepemimpinan dan jejaring yang sangat berharga untuk masa depan Anda.

Terakhir, saya harap Anda dapat memanfaatkan setiap kesempatan yang ada di program studi ini untuk tumbuh dan berkembang sebagai seorang profesional farmasi yang tangguh. Kami sebagai staf pengajar siap membantu Anda mencapai potensi terbaik Anda.

Selamat bergabung di Program Studi D3 Farmasi IIK Bhakta! Saya yakin perjalanan studi Anda akan menjadi pengalaman yang memuaskan dan memberikan kontribusi yang berarti bagi perkembangan karier Anda di masa mendatang.

Kaprodi D3 Pharmacy

apt. Dewy Resty Basuki, M.Farm

35 Tahun

lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan


Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional


Kurikulum Praktek


To become an excellent Study Program in the management of education, research, and community engagement in the field of herbal pharmaceuticals based on the PLUS culture by the year 2025.



  1. Provide high-quality vocational education to produce excellent pharmacy technical personnel.
  2. Conduct high-quality research to advance knowledge and technology in pharmaceutical services and herbal medicine industries based on the utilization of natural resources and national culture to support education and community service development.
  3. Deliver high-quality community service in pharmaceutical services and herbal medicine industries by utilizing knowledge and technology to improve the quality of life and health of the community.
  4. Develop the institution towards efficient and effective modern management with a focus on goal achievement based on quality assurance systems and integrated information management systems while upholding the PLUS culture (Excellent in service, Noble in character, Superior in creativity, and Prosperous in community life).


Educational Objectives of the D3 Pharmacy Study Program:

  1. To produce technically skilled and accountable pharmacy professionals through academic education.
  2. To generate high-quality research for the development of innovative knowledge and technology in the field of pharmaceutical services and herbal pharmaceutical industries, based on the utilization of natural resources and national culture to support educational and community service development.
  3. To provide high-quality community service based on expertise in pharmaceutical services and herbal pharmaceutical industries, empowering and enhancing the quality of life and health of the community.
  4. To establish an institution that moves towards efficient and effective modern management, oriented towards achieving goals based on a quality assurance system and an integrated information management system while upholding the PLUS culture (Excellent in service, Noble in character, Superior in creativity, and Prosperous in community life).

Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester

Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.


1. Organizing pharmaceutical preparations and health supplies under the pharmacist’s supervision.

2. Calculating the cost of drugs and medical supplies.

3. Performing prescription and non-prescription services.

4. Providing services, information and education of drugs, limited free drugs and medical supplies under pharmacist’s supervision

5. Organizing administrative activities in pharmacies and hospitals.

6. Organizing extraction procedures.

7. Calculating randemen extraction.

8. Identifying active substances from natural materials by microscopy, physical properties and thin layer chromatography.

9. Proposing the planning concept of the initial purchase of pharmaceutical industry, traditional medicines, cosmetics, medical devices, food and beverages.

10. Organizing of starting materials, bulk products, intermediate products and finished products in the pharmaceutical industry, traditional medicine and medical devices.

11. Organizing monitoring of environmental conditions and laboratory equipment under pharmacist’s supervision

12. Organizing production procedures and evaluating sterile and non-sterile pharmaceutical preparations under pharmacist’s supervision


Supporting Competencies:

1. Planning the procurement of pharmaceutical preparations and health supplies.

2. Receiving, storing and distributing medical supplies and pharmaceutical preparations.

3. Storage of goods in warehouses based on CPOB storage standards (FIFO and FEFO).

4. Helping the pharmacist to monitor expired goods and their destruction.

5. Receiving and handling returned goods.

6. Weighing raw materials for the production process.

7. Carrying out the storage and transferring raw materials, packaging materials, bulk products, intermediate products and finished products during the production process.

8. Organizing laboratory equipment inspection

9. Increasing knowledge and skills in accordance with working requirements.


Other Competencies:

1. Able to provide pharmaceutical services by upholding the noble values ​​of the profession.

2. Have Leadership.

3. Able to work together in pharmaceutical management.

4. Have an entrepreneurial spirit.

5. Able to communicate well in pharmaceutical services.

Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta

Pengembangan Kompetensi Mahasiswa dengan PBL dan PKL

Mahasiswa D3 Farmasi melaksanakan PKL sebagai tenaga teknis kefarmasian pada semester 6 (enam) selama satu bulan yang bertempat di RS. Bhayangkara Surabaya, apotek Kimia Farma Surabaya, Malang, Kediri dan sejumlah daerah lainnya di Jawa Timur.

35 Tahun Lebih Berpengalaman dalam Mencetak Tenaga Ahli Kesehatan

IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.

Bidang Kerja Lulusan
D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta

Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit
Pedagang Besar Farmasi
Pedagang Besar Farmasi
Industri Farmasi
Industri Farmasi
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
PNS / Karyawan Swasta

Apa Kata Alumni tentang D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta?

Testimonial from Ana Fitria Ningtyas, graduate of  D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta

I am an alumna of the D3 Pharmacy program at Bhakti Wiyata Institute of Health Sciences, Kediri, graduating in 2011. During my time at Bhakti Wiyata, I felt like I had a new family because the sense of brotherhood within the institute was strong. I am grateful and proud to have pursued my studies at Bhakti Wiyata. The teaching methods I experienced during my three years there proved to be beneficial as I faced the professional world. The practical-oriented learning system and the excellent synergy between the professors and students provided great motivation. It inspired me personally to become more independent and advance in my career. I would like to express my gratitude to Bhakti Wiyata Institute of Health Sciences, Kediri. I hope the institution continues to progress and maintain its quality.

Ana Fitria Ningtyas
Graduation Year 2011
Drug Administrator in Dinas Kabupaten Kediri (UPTD Puskesmas Kayen Kidul)

Testimonial from Viki Dwi Agustin, graduate of  D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta

Studying at D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta was incredibly enjoyable. Besides making friends from various regions, I gained a lot of experience during fieldwork practice. I acquired a wealth of knowledge from both theoretical studies and practical laboratory work. The lecture facilities were complete and comfortable. Moreover, the student services were prompt. Now, thanks to the knowledge and experience gained from IIK Bhakta, I am working as a pharmacy technician at Panasea Medika Carubans Main Inpatient Clinic.

Viki Dwi Agustin
Graduation Year 2020
Pharmacy technical staff at Panasea Medika Carubans Main Inpatient Clinic. in Panasea Medika Carubans Main Inpatient Clinic.

Testimonial from Dwi Ary Mucharriroh, graduate of  D3 Pharmacy IIK Bhakta

Attending IIK Bhaktas education indeed has been immensely beneficial for me. Besides complementing my job, the instructors at IIK Bhakta provide useful teachings. The facilities provided are also on par with other universities. I gained a lot of knowledge from both theoretical studies and practical laboratory work. The lecture facilities are complete and comfortable. Moreover, the student services are prompt. Now, thanks to the knowledge and experience from IIK Bhakta, I am working at the Physical Chemistry Quality Control Laboratory of PT.Novapharin Gresik.

Dwi Ary Mucharriroh
Graduation Year 2014
Physical Chemistry Quality Control Laboratory in PT. Novapharin Gresik

Course Distribution


distribusi mata kuliah

Fasilitas Laboratorium
D3 Pharmacy

Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.

Lab Simulasi Apotek
Lab Farmakognisi
Lab Biologi Farmasi
Lab Farmasetika
Lab Teknologi Sediaan Solida
Lab Teknologi Sediaan Steril
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab Parasitologi
Lab Instrument
Lab Farmakologi
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Biologi Farmasi
Lab Analisis Obat
Lab Simulasi Apotek
Lab Farmakognisi
Lab Biologi Farmasi
Lab Farmasetika
Lab Teknologi Sediaan Solida
Lab Teknologi Sediaan Steril
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab Parasitologi
Lab Instrument
Lab Farmakologi
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Biologi Farmasi
Lab Analisis Obat
360 Campus Tour IIK Bhakta