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The Employee Class Program (RPL, Program and Level Transfer Categories) for TA 2024-2025 has been opened. More Info
Bhakta Smart Classroom Launching:Modern College, Ready to Face the FutureIIK Bhakta inaugurated the Smart Classroom in the Earth room, Monday (13/01/2025). Smart Classroom is a lecture room equipped with digital technology to create an interesting future learning and teaching experience.The Smart Classroom concept is integrated with educational technology that utilizes smart devices, both audio and visual, which makes it easier for students to learn. In the future, the Smart Classroom concept will enable a dynamic learning process to occur, there are no longer limitations on time and place for learning. What's interesting is that students and lecturers can interact anywhere and anytime.Chancellor of IIK Bhakta, Prof. Dr. apt. Muhamad Zainuddin expressed his pride at the inauguration of the Smart Classroom at IIK Bhakta.“We are very proud of the presence of Smart Classroom on our campus. "This technology brings a more interactive and efficient learning experience, preparing students to better face the challenges of the professional world," he explained.He further explained that Smart Classroom not only improves the quality of learning, but also supports the development of 21st century skills that are really needed in the world of work. "Hopefully this facility can continue to support the academic progress and success of students in the future," he hoped.