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Capping Day, Saying Promise and Placing a Pin for Midwife IIK Bhakta

23 Jul 2022 12:01 by Totok Agung

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Capping Day is the first step for prospective IIK Bhakta midwives to be able to work serving patients full of love as taught by the Nurse Leader "Florence Nightle". Capping Day itself is a process where D3 Midwifery students are required to participate in the installation of hoods and at the same time make a promise to carry out their practices and obligations in accordance with midwifery ethics.This Capping Day, there were 20 female students from the D3 Midwifery study program who were fitted with a hood and made a promise before going into practice. The Capping Day event for the D3 Midwifery Study Program of IIK Bhakta was held in the Bumi room of the Adipadma Building, Friday (23/07/2022).Dean of the Faculty of Health IIK Bhakta, Christina Dewi, S.Kep., Ns., M. Kep. conveyed that the students who were paired with Kap totaled 20 students. "They have received theory in class, and at this time they are paired with a hood and make an appointment before going to practice in hospitals and various health institutions," he explained.He also motivates and invites female students who take capping day to become role models and professionals in practicing midwifery. This Capping Day activity was enlivened by various performances from D3 Midwifery students, namely dances.


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