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D4 Medical Laboratory Technology

Graduates of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology can work together with other health teams to carry out laboratory tests and are able to carry out laboratory administration in accordance with Health Analyst standards and ethical codes. Graduates can make careers in all health-related laboratories such as in the Lab. Anatomical Pathology, Microbiology Lab, and others.

D4 Medical Laboratory Technology

Degree : Diploma D4
SKS : 147
Duration : 4 Year
Title : S.Tr.Kes

Accreditation LAM-PTKes

Very Good | 0407/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip /IX/2021

A glimpse of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program


The D4 Medical Laboratory Technology study program was formerly known as D4 Health Analyst at IIK BW. Health analysts are expertise in the health sector as a medical support service unit that can provide accurate information about laboratory aspects in line with advances in science and technology in the development of a disease.

Health analysts as health laboratory technology experts are required to constantly develop themselves in responding to the needs of the community for quality assurance of laboratory test results and excellent service. They are also demanded to be able to compete with laboratory experts from other more developed countries.

Why Should You Take This Study Program at IIK BW?

You should take this study program for Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata is one of the universities in the field of health that is superior, competitive, having a national perspective, upholding human dignity, and benefiting the community in the health sector. Specifically, the D4 Medical Laboratory Technology study program produces laboratory management personnel who can organize human resources and can work professionally, reliably, and skillfully.

Career Options

Graduates of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology ave various opportunities in the field of work in the health sector and education according to their competencies, including:

  1. Laboratory technician
  2. Laboratory practitioners
  3. Head of the laboratory room
  4. Laboratory managers
  5. Teachers
  6. Lecturers
  7. Civil servants in the health sector



Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.

Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :

  • Para dosen terkenal ramah dan terbuka untuk berdiskusi
  • Dosen IIK Bhakta berupaya memecahkan masalah bersama saat pembelajaran berlangsung
  • Dosen dan mahasiswa saling aktif bertukar pendapat & menghargai pendapat
  • Mahasiswa ditantang untuk belajar secara independen, inkuisitif dan terus menumbuhkan percaya diri
  • Mahasiswa dipacu untuk aktif dalam pembelajaran dan kritis dalam menanggapi isu-isu kesehatan terkini


Selain belajar bersama, dosen dan para mahasiswa di IIK Bhakta juga saling support dalam meraih prestasi bersama.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

The representative student from the S1 Public Health program, Berliana Dwistira Septy, successfully won the award as the 2nd Runner-Up of the East Java Environment Ambassador 2024.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

The representative student from the D4 Medical Laboratory Technology program, Nabila Lufita Sari, was successfully selected as the Talented Princess in the East Java Wastra Ambassador Event 2024.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

Two IIK BW students from the S1 Pharmacy study program and D4 Medical Laboratory Technology won 1st and 2nd place in the contest of Financial Inclusion Ambassadors held by the Financial Service Authority on 20 October 2019.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

Nathanael Rhesa, a D4 Medical Laboratory Technology student, won 3rd place in the 2018 East Java GenRe (Planning Generation) Ambassador contest.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

Nathanael Rhesa from the D4 Medical Laboratory Technology study program won 1st place as a Planning Generation Ambassador (GenRe) in Kediri City organized by the national population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) on March 16, 2018.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

M. Sigo Perdana Pradikda from the S1 Nursing study program won 2nd place and Yulia Dwi Hutami from D4 Medical Laboratory Technology won 3rd place in the Health Poser Competition in Kediri on November 30, 2017.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

Lecturers of D3 and D4 Medical Laboratory Technology and a D3 Health Analyst student won 1st place in the oral presentation category and 1st place in the category of the Honorable Mention Award on 22-23 July 2017 t Hotel Asia Solo.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

S1 Pharmacy & D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program entered the Top 5 Genre student ambassadors (Planning Generation) on May 4, 2016.

Bhakta super app


Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada

Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta mendapat kemudahan mengakses online learning dan fitur penunjang lainnya dalam aplikasi Bhakta Super Apps. Hal ini merupakan wujud nyata IIK Bhakta untuk mempertahankan kualitas pembelajaran agar tetap tercapai maksimal meskipun di tengah pandemi saat ini.

Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:

  • Online Learning dapat diakses dimana Saja
  • Kemudahan Akses Jadwal Kuliah
  • Informasi Deadline Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah
  • Download Materi Kuliah Sepuasnya
  • Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa Tersaji Secara Jelas
  • Akses Pra KRS, KRS, KHS Lebih Mudah dan Akurat
  • Akses Nilai dan Transkrip Sementara Agar MahasiswaTermotivasi
  • Evaluasi Dosen untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran dan masih banyak fitur canggih lainnya di Aplikasi OASIS IIK Bhakti Wiyata

Jemput Peluang Menjadi
Tenaga Kesehatan Profesional Sekarang!

Kembangkan Dirimu Bersama IIK Bhakta

Faculty of Technology and Health Management

Gedung Graha IIK Bhakta
Lantai 1, 2, 3
(0354) 773535

Head of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program Speech

Frieti Vega Nela, S.ST., M.Imun , Kaprodi D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

Selamat Datang di D4 Medical Laboratory Technology

Selamat datang di halaman website prodi D4 Teknologi Laboratorium Medis. Sebagai Kaprodi, saya terus bertekad kuat untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Program Studi D4 Teknologi Laboratorium Medis. Kami akan terus berupaya untuk memberikan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan relevan dengan tuntutan dunia kerja, sehingga para mahasiswa kami dapat menjadi tenaga kerja yang profesional dan berkualitas.

Mahasiswa adalah aset berharga kami. Saya ingin mengajak seluruh mahasiswa untuk aktif dalam proses pembelajaran, mengasah keterampilan, serta mengembangkan sikap profesional yang diperlukan dalam dunia laboratorium medis. Mari kita jadikan masa studi ini sebagai periode yang penuh dengan prestasi dan pembelajaran yang berarti.

Selain itu, kami juga akan terus menjalin kerja sama yang erat dengan institusi kesehatan dan industri terkait untuk memastikan bahwa kurikulum kami selalu relevan dengan perkembangan terkini dalam bidang laboratorium medis. Kami akan berusaha untuk memberikan pengalaman praktis yang mendalam kepada mahasiswa, sehingga mereka siap terjun langsung ke dunia kerja setelah lulus.

Prodi D4 TLM sampai saat ini telah menghasilkan lulusan yang bekerja diberbagai instansi Kesehatan. Lulusan D4 TLM mejadi lulusan yang paling cepat mendapat pekerjaan dengan masa tunggu relatif singkat. Ini bukti nyata bahwa lulusan D4 TLM merupakan tenaga Kesehatan yang banyak dibutuhkan yang mampu bersaing didunia kerja. Dengan Demikian diharapkan prodi D4 TLM terus memberikan kontribusi di dunia kesehatan sesuai dengan visi dan misi, ikut serta dalam mencerdaskan bangsa melalui Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.

Terakhir, saya berharap agar kita semua dapat bekerja sama dengan penuh semangat dan dedikasi untuk mencapai visi dan misi Program Studi D4 Teknologi Laboratorium Medis. Mari kita tingkatkan kolaborasi, saling mendukung, dan saling menginspirasi demi mencapai kesuksesan bersama. Terima Kasih dan Selamat Berkarya

Kaprodi D4 Medical Laboratory Technology

Frieti Vega Nela, S.ST., M.Imun

Jumlah Statistik
statistik prodi D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

35 Tahun

lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan


Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional


Kurikulum Praktek


Becoming a superior and competitive study program at the national level, upholding human dignity, having a national perspective and playing a role in encouraging sustainable development that benefits humans as well as producing professional and skilled personnel in the field of medical laboratories, especially Applied Immunology.


  1. Organizing competent and accountable education so as to produce professional medical laboratory technology experts and skilled in the field of medical laboratories, especially in the field of applied immunology.
  2. Conducting research to develop innovative science and technology in the field of medical laboratory technology based on natural resources and national culture to support education and community service.
  3. Organizing community service based on expertise in the field of medical laboratory science to empower and improve the quality of life for public health.
  4. Developing institutions towards efficient and effective modern management oriented towards achieving goals based on a quality assurance system and integrated information system management by upholding the PLUS culture.
    (Excellent in service, Noble in character, Excellence in work, and Prosperous in living together).


Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester

Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.


  1. Preparing the patient for specialized and sophisticated laboratory examinations.
  2. Taking, handling, and assessing the quality of laboratory specimens for special and sophisticated examination.
  3. Detecting early irregularities in the examination process in the laboratory.
  4. Assessing the results of the feasibility test for devices, methods, and reagent materials (the current and the latest).
  5. Conducting examinations in the fields of clinical chemistry (hematology, biochemistry, immunology, immunohematology), microbiology (bacteriology, parasitology, mycology, virology), molecular diagnostics, medical biology, histotechnology,  cytotechnology, cytogenetics, and clinical toxicology according to their expertise.
  6. Making a report on the results of laboratory examinations according to their area of expertise.
  7. Performing analytical validation of laboratory examination results.
  8. Planning, evaluating, and following up on laboratory quality assurance programs (internal and external).
  9. Planning and evaluating occupational health and safety programs in the laboratory.
  10. Planning, implementing and evaluating laboratory standardization programs.
  11. Providing analytical information on the results of specialized and sophisticated laboratory tests.
  12. Assisting clinicians in using laboratory data effectively and efficiently.
  13. Planning, implementing, organizing, and evaluating laboratory activities.
  14. Guiding and fostering medical laboratory technology intermediate experts in the field of collaboratories engineering.
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta

Pengembangan Kompetensi Mahasiswa dengan PBL dan PKL

Mahasiswa diberi kesempatan untuk belajar menjadi teknologi laboratorium medis di Rumah Sakit. Untuk PBL dilaksanakan disemester 5 selama 1 bulan yang bertempat di RSUD Kertosono, RS. Aura Syifa Kediri, RSUD Simpang Lima Gumul Kediri, RSU. Daha Husada Kota Kediri dan RSUD Mardi Waluyo Blitar. Sedangkan PKL dilaksanakan disemester 7 selama 3.5 bulan yang bertempat di Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan (BBLK) Surabaya, RSUD Gambiran Kota Kediri, RS. Bhayangkara Kota Kediri, RSUD Kabupaten Kediri, RS. Baptis Kota Kediri, RSUD Nganjuk, dan RSUD dr. Soedono Madiun.

35 Tahun Lebih Berpengalaman dalam Mencetak Tenaga Ahli Kesehatan

IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.

Bidang Kerja Lulusan
D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit
Teknisi Laboratorium
Teknisi Laboratorium
Pengelola Laboratorium
Pengelola Laboratorium
Praktisi Laboratorium
Praktisi Laboratorium
Kepala Laboratorium
Kepala Laboratorium
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
PNS / Karyawan Swasta

Apa Kata Alumni tentang D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta?

Testimonial from Lidya Natalia Herawanti Sarira, S.ST., M.Imun, graduate of  D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

Happy & proud to be part of the D4 TLM IIK-Bw Study Program. Desire to become skilled and skilled laboratory personnel. Very competent teaching staff and very supportive facilities led me to become a responsible and competent ASN within the Ministry of Health (Poltekkes Kemenkes Maluku) I hope that in the future IIK BW can produce more competent & superior health workers. Long live my alma mater

Lidya Natalia Herawanti Sarira, S.ST., M.Imun
Graduation Year 2011
Staf in ASN Kementerian Kesehatan (Poltekkes Kemenkes Maluku)

Testimonial from Suwarsi, S.ST., M.Kes, graduate of  D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

I am happy to be able to study at IIK Bhakta. The lecturers are kind, and the campus environment is comfortable. From studying D4 TLM at IIK Bhakta, I have now become the Head of the City Health Laboratory in Kediri. I hope IIK Bhakta continues to be the best campus in the future.

Suwarsi, S.ST., M.Kes
Graduation Year 2013
Head of lab in Regional Health Lab

Testimonial from Akhmad Megantoro, S.Tr.Kes, graduate of  D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

I feel happy and proud to pursue education at IIK Bhakta. Studying at IIK Bhakta is very comfortable because the environment supports learning, and the campus facilities are complete and modern. The faculty members are always ready to assist students facing difficulties. There are many young lecturers, making the learning system easily accepted by Generation Z. Students are encouraged to organize both internal and external campus activities. Thanks to the support from the program, I once served as the Chairman of the Association of Medical Laboratory Technology Students in East Java. Through this organization, I was able to hone my skills, expand my knowledge and network, which had a significant impact on my career after graduation. I graduated in 2020, and immediately entered the workforce after graduation.

Akhmad Megantoro, S.Tr.Kes First-level Health Laboratory Technician in RSGM UNEJ

Course Distribution


Code Courses SKS Required / Selection
Theory Practice Required Selection
LAP 1301 Religion 3 - √ -
LAI 1203 Physiological Anatomy 2 - √ -
LAP 1206 Indonesian Language I 2 - √ -
LAB 1203 English I 1 1 √ -
LAI 1209 Biochemistry 1 1 √ -
LAI 1105 Histology 1 - √ -
LAS 1102 IKM & Health Promotion 2 - √ -
LAI 1212 Instrumentation I 1 1 √ -
LAS 1201 Occupational Health and Safety I 1 - √ -
LAP 1302 Civics and Pancasila 3 - √ -
LAI 1206 Analytical Chemistry 1 1 √ -
LAS 1204 Media & Reagents 1 1 √ -
Jumlah 19 5 12 0

Fasilitas Laboratorium
D4 Medical Laboratory Technology

Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.

Lab Analising, Reporting & Filling
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab CBT Center
Lab Hematologi
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab Kes Mas
Lab Kimi Amami
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Koding, Indeksing, dan Assembling
Lab Media
Lab Parasitologi
Lab Analising, Reporting & Filling
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab CBT Center
Lab Hematologi
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab Kes Mas
Lab Kimi Amami
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Koding, Indeksing, dan Assembling
Lab Media
Lab Parasitologi
360 Campus Tour IIK Bhakta

Sekilas Tentang Program Studi D4 Medical Laboratory Technology


The D4 Medical Laboratory Technology study program was formerly known as D4 Health Analyst at IIK BW. Health analysts are expertise in the health sector as a medical support service unit that can provide accurate information about laboratory aspects in line with advances in science and technology in the development of a disease.

Health analysts as health laboratory technology experts are required to constantly develop themselves in responding to the needs of the community for quality assurance of laboratory test results and excellent service. They are also demanded to be able to compete with laboratory experts from other more developed countries.

Why Should You Take This Study Program at IIK BW?

You should take this study program for Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata is one of the universities in the field of health that is superior, competitive, having a national perspective, upholding human dignity, and benefiting the community in the health sector. Specifically, the D4 Medical Laboratory Technology study program produces laboratory management personnel who can organize human resources and can work professionally, reliably, and skillfully.

Career Options

Graduates of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology ave various opportunities in the field of work in the health sector and education according to their competencies, including:

  1. Laboratory technician
  2. Laboratory practitioners
  3. Head of the laboratory room
  4. Laboratory managers
  5. Teachers
  6. Lecturers
  7. Civil servants in the health sector



Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.

Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :

  • Para dosen terkenal ramah dan terbuka untuk berdiskusi
  • Dosen IIK Bhakta berupaya memecahkan masalah bersama saat pembelajaran berlangsung
  • Dosen dan mahasiswa saling aktif bertukar pendapat & menghargai pendapat
  • Mahasiswa ditantang untuk belajar secara independen, inkuisitif dan terus menumbuhkan percaya diri
  • Mahasiswa dipacu untuk aktif dalam pembelajaran dan kritis dalam menanggapi isu-isu kesehatan terkini


Selain belajar bersama, dosen dan para mahasiswa di IIK Bhakta juga saling support dalam meraih prestasi bersama.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

The representative student from the S1 Public Health program, Berliana Dwistira Septy, successfully won the award as the 2nd Runner-Up of the East Java Environment Ambassador 2024.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

The representative student from the D4 Medical Laboratory Technology program, Nabila Lufita Sari, was successfully selected as the Talented Princess in the East Java Wastra Ambassador Event 2024.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

Two IIK BW students from the S1 Pharmacy study program and D4 Medical Laboratory Technology won 1st and 2nd place in the contest of Financial Inclusion Ambassadors held by the Financial Service Authority on 20 October 2019.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

Nathanael Rhesa, a D4 Medical Laboratory Technology student, won 3rd place in the 2018 East Java GenRe (Planning Generation) Ambassador contest.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

Nathanael Rhesa from the D4 Medical Laboratory Technology study program won 1st place as a Planning Generation Ambassador (GenRe) in Kediri City organized by the national population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) on March 16, 2018.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

M. Sigo Perdana Pradikda from the S1 Nursing study program won 2nd place and Yulia Dwi Hutami from D4 Medical Laboratory Technology won 3rd place in the Health Poser Competition in Kediri on November 30, 2017.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

Lecturers of D3 and D4 Medical Laboratory Technology and a D3 Health Analyst student won 1st place in the oral presentation category and 1st place in the category of the Honorable Mention Award on 22-23 July 2017 t Hotel Asia Solo.

Achievement of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Student

S1 Pharmacy & D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program entered the Top 5 Genre student ambassadors (Planning Generation) on May 4, 2016.

Bhakta super app


Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada

Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta mendapat kemudahan mengakses online learning dan fitur penunjang lainnya dalam aplikasi Bhakta Super Apps. Hal ini merupakan wujud nyata IIK Bhakta untuk mempertahankan kualitas pembelajaran agar tetap tercapai maksimal meskipun di tengah pandemi saat ini.

Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:

  • Online Learning dapat diakses dimana Saja
  • Kemudahan Akses Jadwal Kuliah
  • Informasi Deadline Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah
  • Download Materi Kuliah Sepuasnya
  • Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa Tersaji Secara Jelas
  • Akses Pra KRS, KRS, KHS Lebih Mudah dan Akurat
  • Akses Nilai dan Transkrip Sementara Agar MahasiswaTermotivasi
  • Evaluasi Dosen untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran dan masih banyak fitur canggih lainnya di Aplikasi OASIS IIK Bhakti Wiyata

Jemput Peluang Menjadi
Tenaga Kesehatan Profesional Sekarang!

Kembangkan Dirimu Bersama IIK Bhakta

Faculty of Technology and Health Management

Gedung Graha IIK Bhakta
Lantai 1, 2, 3
(0354) 773535

Head of D4 Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program Speech

Frieti Vega Nela, S.ST., M.Imun , Kaprodi D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

Selamat Datang di D4 Medical Laboratory Technology

Selamat datang di halaman website prodi D4 Teknologi Laboratorium Medis. Sebagai Kaprodi, saya terus bertekad kuat untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Program Studi D4 Teknologi Laboratorium Medis. Kami akan terus berupaya untuk memberikan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan relevan dengan tuntutan dunia kerja, sehingga para mahasiswa kami dapat menjadi tenaga kerja yang profesional dan berkualitas.

Mahasiswa adalah aset berharga kami. Saya ingin mengajak seluruh mahasiswa untuk aktif dalam proses pembelajaran, mengasah keterampilan, serta mengembangkan sikap profesional yang diperlukan dalam dunia laboratorium medis. Mari kita jadikan masa studi ini sebagai periode yang penuh dengan prestasi dan pembelajaran yang berarti.

Selain itu, kami juga akan terus menjalin kerja sama yang erat dengan institusi kesehatan dan industri terkait untuk memastikan bahwa kurikulum kami selalu relevan dengan perkembangan terkini dalam bidang laboratorium medis. Kami akan berusaha untuk memberikan pengalaman praktis yang mendalam kepada mahasiswa, sehingga mereka siap terjun langsung ke dunia kerja setelah lulus.

Prodi D4 TLM sampai saat ini telah menghasilkan lulusan yang bekerja diberbagai instansi Kesehatan. Lulusan D4 TLM mejadi lulusan yang paling cepat mendapat pekerjaan dengan masa tunggu relatif singkat. Ini bukti nyata bahwa lulusan D4 TLM merupakan tenaga Kesehatan yang banyak dibutuhkan yang mampu bersaing didunia kerja. Dengan Demikian diharapkan prodi D4 TLM terus memberikan kontribusi di dunia kesehatan sesuai dengan visi dan misi, ikut serta dalam mencerdaskan bangsa melalui Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.

Terakhir, saya berharap agar kita semua dapat bekerja sama dengan penuh semangat dan dedikasi untuk mencapai visi dan misi Program Studi D4 Teknologi Laboratorium Medis. Mari kita tingkatkan kolaborasi, saling mendukung, dan saling menginspirasi demi mencapai kesuksesan bersama. Terima Kasih dan Selamat Berkarya

Kaprodi D4 Medical Laboratory Technology

Frieti Vega Nela, S.ST., M.Imun

Jumlah Statistik
statistik prodi D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

35 Tahun

lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan


Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional


Kurikulum Praktek


Becoming a superior and competitive study program at the national level, upholding human dignity, having a national perspective and playing a role in encouraging sustainable development that benefits humans as well as producing professional and skilled personnel in the field of medical laboratories, especially Applied Immunology.


  1. Organizing competent and accountable education so as to produce professional medical laboratory technology experts and skilled in the field of medical laboratories, especially in the field of applied immunology.
  2. Conducting research to develop innovative science and technology in the field of medical laboratory technology based on natural resources and national culture to support education and community service.
  3. Organizing community service based on expertise in the field of medical laboratory science to empower and improve the quality of life for public health.
  4. Developing institutions towards efficient and effective modern management oriented towards achieving goals based on a quality assurance system and integrated information system management by upholding the PLUS culture.
    (Excellent in service, Noble in character, Excellence in work, and Prosperous in living together).


Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester

Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.


  1. Preparing the patient for specialized and sophisticated laboratory examinations.
  2. Taking, handling, and assessing the quality of laboratory specimens for special and sophisticated examination.
  3. Detecting early irregularities in the examination process in the laboratory.
  4. Assessing the results of the feasibility test for devices, methods, and reagent materials (the current and the latest).
  5. Conducting examinations in the fields of clinical chemistry (hematology, biochemistry, immunology, immunohematology), microbiology (bacteriology, parasitology, mycology, virology), molecular diagnostics, medical biology, histotechnology,  cytotechnology, cytogenetics, and clinical toxicology according to their expertise.
  6. Making a report on the results of laboratory examinations according to their area of expertise.
  7. Performing analytical validation of laboratory examination results.
  8. Planning, evaluating, and following up on laboratory quality assurance programs (internal and external).
  9. Planning and evaluating occupational health and safety programs in the laboratory.
  10. Planning, implementing and evaluating laboratory standardization programs.
  11. Providing analytical information on the results of specialized and sophisticated laboratory tests.
  12. Assisting clinicians in using laboratory data effectively and efficiently.
  13. Planning, implementing, organizing, and evaluating laboratory activities.
  14. Guiding and fostering medical laboratory technology intermediate experts in the field of collaboratories engineering.
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta

Pengembangan Kompetensi Mahasiswa dengan PBL dan PKL

Mahasiswa diberi kesempatan untuk belajar menjadi teknologi laboratorium medis di Rumah Sakit. Untuk PBL dilaksanakan disemester 5 selama 1 bulan yang bertempat di RSUD Kertosono, RS. Aura Syifa Kediri, RSUD Simpang Lima Gumul Kediri, RSU. Daha Husada Kota Kediri dan RSUD Mardi Waluyo Blitar. Sedangkan PKL dilaksanakan disemester 7 selama 3.5 bulan yang bertempat di Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan (BBLK) Surabaya, RSUD Gambiran Kota Kediri, RS. Bhayangkara Kota Kediri, RSUD Kabupaten Kediri, RS. Baptis Kota Kediri, RSUD Nganjuk, dan RSUD dr. Soedono Madiun.

35 Tahun Lebih Berpengalaman dalam Mencetak Tenaga Ahli Kesehatan

IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.

Bidang Kerja Lulusan
D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit
Teknisi Laboratorium
Teknisi Laboratorium
Pengelola Laboratorium
Pengelola Laboratorium
Praktisi Laboratorium
Praktisi Laboratorium
Kepala Laboratorium
Kepala Laboratorium
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
PNS / Karyawan Swasta

Apa Kata Alumni tentang D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta?

Testimonial from Lidya Natalia Herawanti Sarira, S.ST., M.Imun, graduate of  D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

Happy & proud to be part of the D4 TLM IIK-Bw Study Program. Desire to become skilled and skilled laboratory personnel. Very competent teaching staff and very supportive facilities led me to become a responsible and competent ASN within the Ministry of Health (Poltekkes Kemenkes Maluku) I hope that in the future IIK BW can produce more competent & superior health workers. Long live my alma mater

Lidya Natalia Herawanti Sarira, S.ST., M.Imun
Graduation Year 2011
Staf in ASN Kementerian Kesehatan (Poltekkes Kemenkes Maluku)

Testimonial from Suwarsi, S.ST., M.Kes, graduate of  D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

I am happy to be able to study at IIK Bhakta. The lecturers are kind, and the campus environment is comfortable. From studying D4 TLM at IIK Bhakta, I have now become the Head of the City Health Laboratory in Kediri. I hope IIK Bhakta continues to be the best campus in the future.

Suwarsi, S.ST., M.Kes
Graduation Year 2013
Head of lab in Regional Health Lab

Testimonial from Akhmad Megantoro, S.Tr.Kes, graduate of  D4 Medical Laboratory Technology IIK Bhakta

I feel happy and proud to pursue education at IIK Bhakta. Studying at IIK Bhakta is very comfortable because the environment supports learning, and the campus facilities are complete and modern. The faculty members are always ready to assist students facing difficulties. There are many young lecturers, making the learning system easily accepted by Generation Z. Students are encouraged to organize both internal and external campus activities. Thanks to the support from the program, I once served as the Chairman of the Association of Medical Laboratory Technology Students in East Java. Through this organization, I was able to hone my skills, expand my knowledge and network, which had a significant impact on my career after graduation. I graduated in 2020, and immediately entered the workforce after graduation.

Akhmad Megantoro, S.Tr.Kes First-level Health Laboratory Technician in RSGM UNEJ

Course Distribution


Code Courses SKS Required / Selection
Theory Practice Required Selection
LAP 1301 Religion 3 - √ -
LAI 1203 Physiological Anatomy 2 - √ -
LAP 1206 Indonesian Language I 2 - √ -
LAB 1203 English I 1 1 √ -
LAI 1209 Biochemistry 1 1 √ -
LAI 1105 Histology 1 - √ -
LAS 1102 IKM & Health Promotion 2 - √ -
LAI 1212 Instrumentation I 1 1 √ -
LAS 1201 Occupational Health and Safety I 1 - √ -
LAP 1302 Civics and Pancasila 3 - √ -
LAI 1206 Analytical Chemistry 1 1 √ -
LAS 1204 Media & Reagents 1 1 √ -
Jumlah 19 5 12 0

Fasilitas Laboratorium
D4 Medical Laboratory Technology

Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.

Lab Analising, Reporting & Filling
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab CBT Center
Lab Hematologi
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab Kes Mas
Lab Kimi Amami
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Koding, Indeksing, dan Assembling
Lab Media
Lab Parasitologi
Lab Analising, Reporting & Filling
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab CBT Center
Lab Hematologi
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab Kes Mas
Lab Kimi Amami
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Koding, Indeksing, dan Assembling
Lab Media
Lab Parasitologi
360 Campus Tour IIK Bhakta