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IIK Bhakta Faculty of Health Technology and Management Wins Overall Champion of IIK Bhakta Chancellor's Cup 3.0

9 Dec 2024 10:13 by Totok Agung

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The Bhakta Institute of Health Sciences (IIK Bhakta) recently held the Rector Cup in November 2024. The Faculty of Health Technology and Management won the General Champion title in the prestigious IIK Bhakta Rector Cup 3.0 event this year. This success not only shows academic achievement, but also shows the spirit of togetherness and hard work of students and the academic community in competing.The Rector Cup is an annual event held by IIK Bhakta to appreciate student talent and potential in various fields, such as sports, arts and academics. This competition is an event that is highly anticipated by all faculties at IIK Bhakta, because it is a means to test abilities and hone various skills possessed by students. Each faculty competes to achieve the best position, both in sports, arts and other competitions.The contingent from the Faculty of Technology and Health Management succeeded in showing off their abilities in sports, such as futsal and volleyball, as well as displaying talents in the arts, such as music and dance.In the champion award ceremony which was held on Monday, December 9 2024, Tri Ana Mulyati., M.Si as Dean of FTMK said that this success was proof that hard work and team collaboration can bring proud results. "The Faculty of Health Technology and Management hopes to continue to maintain this achievement and produce more achievements in the future," he explained. The Rector Cup winners will later become representatives of IIK Bhakta in the PORNIKES event which IIK Bhakta will host in February 2025.

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