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IIK Bhakta Nursing Lecturer Receives the Most PKM Supervising Lecturer Award from the Director General of Belmawa

19 Aug 2024 08:02 by Rizki Aprilia

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Nursing Lecturer at IIK Bhakta Yohanes Andy Rias, S.Kep.Ns, M.Kep., Ph.D. won the award as the Most PKM Supervising Lecturer from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) in the Implementation of the Student Creativity Program (PKP2) and PKM Awarding in 2024.This activity was held at Veterans University Jakarta as the host, Monday, August 19 2024. Yohanes Andy Rias, S.Kep.Ns, M.Kep., Ph.D. received the most supervisors because they succeeded in bringing 8 teams to the PKM Team that passed the 2024 funding.The closing of PKP2 is part of a series of awards to universities that receive the most funding and intensive care as well as giving awards to PKM supervisors with the most funding and students who report their progress the fastest. This award can motivate universities, lecturers and students to get involved in taking part in PKM in the coming year

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