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The Employee Class Program (RPL, Program and Level Transfer Categories) for TA 2024-2025 has been opened. More Info
The IIK Bhakti Wiyata Faculty of Pharmacy held an online reception for new students of the Pharmacist Profession Study Program, Thursday to Saturday (6-3 / 03/2021). The activity which is commonly called Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) was opened by the Rector of IIK Bhakti Wiyata, Apt. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Zainnudin who also welcomed the entry of the third batch of pharmacist profession New Students (Maba) as part of the faculty of pharmacy.
To motivate and inspire new students, the IIK Bhakti Wiyata Faculty of Pharmacy invited famous speakers such as Apt. Prof. Dr. H. Achmad Syahrani, MS who delivered the material "Challenges of Pharmacists in the Future Responding to PMK Policies in 2020" followed by the introduction of the PSPA IIK Bhakti Wiyata study program and the material "How to Be The Next Millennial of Pharmacist" by the chairman of IAI PC Kediri City, Apt. Abdul Rofiq., S.Si., M.Kes.
Before the PKKMB event was closed, new students also received material on "Pharmacist Credentials in Hospitals" from Gambiran Hospital. Furthermore, these new students will undergo lectures with the concept of blended learning in the pharmacist professional study program IIK Bhakti Wiyata. It should be noted that IIK Bhakti Wiyata Pharmacist professional study program has successfully graduated 35 pharmacist professional study program students.