D3 Midwifery Study Program, Faculty of Health, held a Baby Spa and Mom Treatment training. The aim of this training is to improve the competence of D3 Midwifery students.Head of D3 Midwifery Study Program Umianita Rischa., S.ST., M.P.H said the training was held for one full day. Namely on Friday, November 20 2020. This training was attended by D3 Midwifery students and Alumni of the IIK BW Midwifery Study Program (Prodi). In this event, the D3 Midwifery study program invited Baby Spa and Mom Treatment trainers, Finta Isti Kundarti, S.Sit, M.Keb (CIMI, CHt, CHP, CHFP, CEP, CI). He explained materials such as baby behavior, cues and reflexes, growth adaptation for baby spa promotion and marketing.Finta revealed, the purpose of holding a baby spa training was to improve the competence and skills of students about baby spa which contains baby care for baby growth and development. "One of the duties of the midwife service is dealing with newborns and toddlers. Because babies need special, thorough, and full affection, ”he said.