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Kadepan Story Stage: 4B-Based Volcanic Eruption Disaster Mitigation Based on Local Knowledge

24 Jun 2024 10:42 by Rizki Aprilia

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Students from the Bhakti Wiyata Kediri Institute of Health Sciences through the PKM-PM Team succeeded in carrying out creative innovations related to learning about mitigating the Mount Eruption disaster in order to reduce the impact of victims due to the Mount Eruption and increasing knowledge of mitigation appropriate to the age of elementary school children. Regarding mitigation media that is suitable for children and reducing the impact of this disaster, the PKM-PM IIK BHAKAT team created a learning system in the form of a Puppet Story Stage based on 3B (Learning, Storytelling, Playing).The PKM-PM team, accompanied by Mr Yohanes Andy Rias, S.kep., Ns., M.kep., PhD, is a PKM-PM team chaired by Richa Tronicha, whose members are Nadila Dwi Elva Deswinanda, Sukma Handayani, Fadhil Ahmad and Hendra Adi Prasetiyo.Richa Tronicha explained that the background to this creation was because the method previously presented to children was only conventional and not appropriate for their age, this of course resulted in the students' lack of knowledge regarding disaster mitigation, resulting in many victims, especially children, when natural disasters occurred. . Apart from geographical conditions that require activities to mitigate volcanic eruptions, the method of delivering mitigation which is always done using the same method every year means that mitigation activities do not work well enough, especially for elementary school children."The Mount Eruption disaster in Indonesia recorded 436 incidents in 2023 which killed 24 people, and the rest were children who were lightly and seriously injured due to not knowing the evacuation route. "On average, the reason is because there is still a lack of knowledge regarding disaster mitigation," said Richa at the IIK Bhakti Wiyata Campus, Friday (20/06).Therefore, it is of course very important for us all to know that disaster mitigation education for children needs to receive mitigation material that is appropriate to their age. Through the Dewi Sekartaji and Panji Asmorobangun Waste Doll Story Stage as a means of Mountain Disaster Mitigation Education, it is hoped that it will be able to improve the quality of mitigation education and make it easier for children to practice in everyday life.
This is supported by the International Journal of Puppet As a Pedagogical Tool; which revealed that the potential use of dolls in education really helps children to improve the quality of communication more effectively, this can also build a positive and easy to understand classroom climate, and this method is easier to use as a Mitigation education method. According to the  International Journal Of Disaster Education; One form of disaster risk reduction is mitigation based on local wisdom, therefore, through the Folklore Stage, it is hoped that this can be a new breakthrough regarding more effective mitigation learning.According to Richa, this needs to be paid attention to, therefore there is a need for new breakthroughs to make mitigation activities in elementary schools run smoothly with the aim of increasing children's knowledge of mitigation."Through this creative innovation, we hope to be able to work together with BPBD in the future so that this program can be adopted and realized as a disaster mitigation program for elementary school children," he said.

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