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The Employee Class Program (RPL, Program and Level Transfer Categories) for TA 2024-2025 has been opened. More Info

D3 Pharmacy

Header Info D3 Pharmacy


1. Organizing pharmaceutical preparations and health supplies under the pharmacist’s supervision.

2. Calculating the cost of drugs and medical supplies.

3. Performing prescription and non-prescription services.

4. Providing services, information and education of drugs, limited free drugs and medical supplies under pharmacist’s supervision

5. Organizing administrative activities in pharmacies and hospitals.

6. Organizing extraction procedures.

7. Calculating randemen extraction.

8. Identifying active substances from natural materials by microscopy, physical properties and thin layer chromatography.

9. Proposing the planning concept of the initial purchase of pharmaceutical industry, traditional medicines, cosmetics, medical devices, food and beverages.

10. Organizing of starting materials, bulk products, intermediate products and finished products in the pharmaceutical industry, traditional medicine and medical devices.

11. Organizing monitoring of environmental conditions and laboratory equipment under pharmacist’s supervision

12. Organizing production procedures and evaluating sterile and non-sterile pharmaceutical preparations under pharmacist’s supervision


Supporting Competencies:

1. Planning the procurement of pharmaceutical preparations and health supplies.

2. Receiving, storing and distributing medical supplies and pharmaceutical preparations.

3. Storage of goods in warehouses based on CPOB storage standards (FIFO and FEFO).

4. Helping the pharmacist to monitor expired goods and their destruction.

5. Receiving and handling returned goods.

6. Weighing raw materials for the production process.

7. Carrying out the storage and transferring raw materials, packaging materials, bulk products, intermediate products and finished products during the production process.

8. Organizing laboratory equipment inspection

9. Increasing knowledge and skills in accordance with working requirements.


Other Competencies:

1. Able to provide pharmaceutical services by upholding the noble values ​​of the profession.

2. Have Leadership.

3. Able to work together in pharmaceutical management.

4. Have an entrepreneurial spirit.

5. Able to communicate well in pharmaceutical services.