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"Menstrual Playbook" Collaborative Work of Undergraduate Students in Public Health and Bachelor of Nursing IIK Bhakta to Increase Menstrual Hygiene Awareness of Students at SDN Ringinrejo 1, Kediri Regency

18 Jul 2024 13:24 by Totok Agung

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The PKM-PM Play With Us team, guided by supervisor Mr. Forman Novrindo Sidjaga, S.K.M., M.Kes.(Epid), succeeded in designing a community service program for female students at SDN Ringinrejo 1. This community service resulted in an educational book product called the Menstrual Playbook. "The product we created is an interactive educational media that combines games and learning about hygiene during menstruation," explained team leader Nataly Valerina Pamintarso (S1 Public Health student).Together with other team members (Riyan Hidayatullah, Abdul Majid, Berliana Dwistira Septy, and Mohammad Adhani Satya), the Play with Us team implemented a service program entitled playing with us on June 21 2024. This program received a positive response from both female students and administrators of SDN Ringinrejo 1. In this service activity, female students were invited to understand various important aspects about menstruation through stories, quizzes, games and interesting illustrations contained in the Menstrual Playbook.During the program, the PKM-PM Play with Us team not only provides detailed explanations about menstruation, starting from the process that occurs to how to maintain personal hygiene during menstruation. However, the learning atmosphere was made interactive with question and answer sessions, discussions and several games that actively involved the female students. The Menstrual Playbook media was chosen because it can present information about menstruation in a way that is more interesting and easy for children to understand. Through an interactive and educational approach, female students can learn about menstruation in a fun and non-scary way, thereby reducing the taboo stigma of discussing the topic of menstruation in society.Mr. Forman Novrindo Sidjaga, S.K.M., M.Kes.(Epid), expressed his appreciation for the students' efforts and dedication. "This program not only provides the education needed by elementary school students, but proves the students' ability to design programs and implement the knowledge they have gained. Apart from that, it shows the role of the IIK Bhakta students who attend in providing benefits and solutions to problems found in society," he said.

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