This Unit of Student activity was firstly established in 2007. This Unit of Student Activity includes self defence training for physical, mental , spiritual and art lesson.
The Self Defence materials include:
- Physical training
- Technical training
- The general knowledge of spiritual and mental training
To join with this Unit of Student Activity, just come directly to the location of training on the scheduled time, and then you are obliged to follow the training routinely

Unit of Student Activity: Pencak silat

Unit of Student Activity: Pencak silat
Selasa dan Jumat,
Jam 16:00 - 21:30 WIB
Doni Dwi Setyawan
(Ketua UKM PSHT 2019-2020)
In ThIs Unit of Student Activity, students are able to develop their talent and study more deeply about the step patterns, gymnastics, movements of pencak silat being taught by the coach from the Unit of Student Activity. You can train the students’ mentality , physical condition, and their faith which go along with the goal of National Development, that is, create a wolly Indonesian man who is spiritually and physically healthy and keeps the spirit of the Five Principles.
The Student Counseling Information Center Garuda Bhakti Wiyata, better known as PIK-M Garuda Bhakti Wiyata, has been established since 2013 under the auspices of BKKBN Kota Kediri. The objectives of this student organization include:
- Improving access and quality of PKBR program services for students.
- Providing a platform for students to engage in positive activities.
- Enhancing potential, creativity, achievements, and fostering healthy, TRIAD KRR-free youth agents.
- Serving as a platform to solve problems based on principles of togetherness, family, confidentiality, and the accuracy of information with full responsibility.
Therefore, the routine agenda of PIK-M Garuda Bhakti Wiyata consists of annual work programs designed from the start of each new term, including Peer Educator and Peer Counselor training, Car Free Day (CFD) events, seminars, workshops, outbound activities, counseling, and training sessions. To join PIK-M Garuda Bhakti Wiyata, you can check and follow their Instagram @garudabw and don't forget to send a direct message for registration.
Activities of PIK-M Garuda Bhakti Wiyata Members

UKM PIK-M Garuda Bhakti Wiyata

UKM PIK-M Garuda Bhakti Wiyata
Event of UKM PIK M Garuda Bhakti Wiyata
Event of UKM PIK M Garuda Bhakti Wiyata
UKM PIK M Garuda Bhakti Wiyata
Setiap Rabu minggu pertama (A215), kedua (zoom), dan ketiga (A215)
16:30 WIB - selesai
Miftahul Janah (Ketua UKM PIK M 2023-2024)
The establishment of this organization is expected to serve as a haven for developing students' creativity and to be a place where students can share their thoughts and feelings, particularly in striving to create a happy family, which should ideally begin early, especially during college—a transitional period towards maturity and thoughtful decision-making.
p>UKM Forum for Islamic Studies or well known as FKI, was established in 2013. The purpose of this UKM is to produce university students that capacle to work, preach and to have a friendly relationship between IIK Bhakti Wiyata Islamic students. In addition, this UKM can also be used as a media for sharing experiences after a day of studying formal knowledge in college. The routine agenda of this UKM such as Routine Studies, Tilawatil Al-Qur'an, sharing and joint discussions related to Islam.

Unit of Student Activity : Islamic Studying Forum

Unit of Student Activity : Islamic Studying Forum
Event of UKM FKI
Event of UKM FKI
Event of UKM FKI
Setiap Kamis,
Jam 18:30 - Selesai
Devita Aulya (Ketua UKM FKI 2023-2024)
In addition to developing academic knowledge, students also need to increase their knowledge in the spiritual field according to their beliefs. This UKM is expected to be able to convey religious knowledge, especially Islam. They can share knowledges and experiences among Muslim brothers in order to build qualified young generation with intellectual and spiritual knowledge.
Basketball students activity unit was established in 2010. This unit gives students the opportunity to develop their skills to play basketball. For beginners, they will be taught the basic techniques of playing basketball. The basketball student activity unit was originally only a group of students at the IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri, who have basketball practice at Joyoboyo sport center and sparring against the small clubs in Kediri. Now, IIK Bhakti Wiyata has a basketball court in the 6th floor of ADIPADMA building (in door) so the students can practice the basketball in campus.
To join the basketball activity, you can contact the listed contact person and give your identity consisting of the name, study program, height, and the reason for joining basketball student activity unit. The practice activities are:
- Start the activity by taking a prayer.
- Warming up for 10-15 minutes.
- The practice is about 1 hour 30 minutes, include: Dribbling, Shooting, Passing, Lay up, Under ring and Passing.
- Then, the game is done for 20 minutes.. They are two teams, boys team and girls team
- Close the activity by praying together, then check the attendance list.

UKM Basket

UKM Basket
Event of UKM Basket
Event of UKM Basket
Event of UKM Basket
Event of UKM Basket
Event of UKM Basket
Event of UKM Basket
Rabu dan Minggu
18.00-21.00 WIB
Dirta Kias Maja (Ketua UKM Basket 2023 – 2024)
Basketball sports can be used as an alternative to distribute positive activities that can provide many benefits, including making the body healthier and fitter, having a high sportsmanship, and can increase familiarity relationship with other university students through sparring activities and other events
Student Activity Unit of Innovative forum for scientific papers is officially established on 10 October 2011 as a coordinating institution to accommodate the creativity of students of IIK Bhakti Wiyata to make scientific writings. The routine Agenda conducted by this institution is: routine discussion, High School Scientific competition in East Java and internal scientific competition among study program, comparative study to other universities and other scientific research institutions in order to create a generation of students who are creative, innovative, productive and educative. The activities of Student Activity Unit of Innovative forum for scientific papers are emphasized on the training of innovative and creative scientific writing works that pay attention to the terms of writing scientific papers, and students are expected to be able to present the results of scientific papers in internal or external scope, then the results of scientific papers can be applied and beneficial for students or society in general. Student Activity Unit of Innovative forum for scientific papers is open to all IIK students without any specialization of study program and recruitment.
The activities of Student Activity Unit of Innovative forum for scientific papers

UKM FIKTI (Forum Inovatif Karya Tulis Ilmiah)

UKM FIKTI (Forum Inovatif Karya Tulis Ilmiah)
Meeting via zoom
Meeting via zoom
Jam 18.30 - selesai WIB
Syarifah Hamdah (Ketua UKM FIKTI 2023-2024)
The activity is as an effort to explore and develop the potential of the young people, as an opportunity to channel scientific ideas to follow the scientific writing competition provincial, national, and even international level. These events have a positive impact on developing the creativity of young people through an original and quality work. Student Activity Unit of Innovative forum for scientific papers will assist you to explore useful potential for the advancement of science and technology. It will motivate students to work hard. Moreover, it can also give pride to the beloved alma mater.
The Futsal Student Activity Unit (UKM) was formed from a group of students at IIK Bhakti Wiyata who shared the same passion for playing futsal. Officially established in 2010, its purpose is to develop the talents and interests of IIK Bhakti Wiyata students in futsal, to unite IIK Bhakti Wiyata students with those from other institutions, and to bring prestige to the campus by winning local and national championships. The regular activities of this UKM include routine practice sessions consisting of warm-ups, training, and games. A coach is also present to provide instructions during these practice sessions. To join this UKM, simply come during practice hours and fill out the registration form.

UKM Futsal

UKM Futsal
Event of UKM Futsal
Event of UKM Futsal
Event of UKM Futsal
Event of UKM Futsal
Event of UKM Futsal
Event of UKM Futsal
Event of UKM Futsal
Event of UKM Futsal
Setiap Senin dan Kamis
18.30 - 20.30 (Senin)
16.00 - 18.30 (Kamis)
Faris Fatihul (Ketua UKM Futsal 2023 -2024)
For those of you who have a hobby of playing futsal, join this student activity unit (UKM) to channel your hobby. Besides making your body healthier and fitter, participating in this UKM allows you to build camaraderie and sportsmanship within a team, and it can also serve as a platform to nurture new futsal talents who can achieve at local, national, and international levels.
The Volleyball Student Activity Unit (UKM) originated from a group of IIK Bhakti Wiyata students who shared the same hobby. In 2010, this UKM was officially established. Its purpose is to develop the talents and interests of IIK Bhakti Wiyata students in volleyball, to unite IIK Bhakti Wiyata students with those from other institutions, and to bring prestige to the campus by winning local and national championships. The regular activities of this UKM include routine practice sessions consisting of warm-ups, training, and games. A coach is also present to provide instructions during these practice sessions. To join this UKM, simply come during practice hours and fill out the registration form.

UKM Volly

UKM Volly
Event of UKM Voli
Event of UKM Voli
Event of UKM Voli
Setiap Selasa dan Kamis
19:00 WIB - selesai
Nindhita Putri Pramesty (Ketua UKM Volly 2023/2024)
In addition to futsal, another sports branch offered as a student activity unit (UKM) at IIK Bhakti Wiyata is volleyball. Improve your hand and foot agility through frequent volleyball practice. By joining this UKM, you will maintain a healthy and fit body, expand your social circle, and potentially become a new volleyball talent capable of excelling at local, national, and international levels.
This Unit of Student’s activity was initially formed from the longing of christian and catholic students to get together to praise and glorify the God, grow together, support one another by the love of Jesus Christ, a place for sharing ideas and opinions, and make them spiritually matured, and produced students having characters like Jesus. These things go along with the vision christian and catholic students that is bringing the students and alumni into figures who are faithful, loyal , as models and grace for others, matured, strong and having characters like Christ , and also compentencies in health sector.
The routine agenda of this Unit of Students’ activity are Valentine Day, Working Meeting, celebrating Easter together, the anniversary of christian chatholic Students Unit of Activity, welcoming the new students, celebrating Chrismas together, the Holy bible deepening for student organizers, and the fellowship of christian and catholic students’ organizers of iiK. To join christian and catholic students Activity Unit , just come at the routine Prayer partnership activity on Wednesday and Friday : 18:00 – 20.00 at LR 104 or Chapel

UKM Kristen

UKM Kristen
Implementation of the Batur cistern activities online
Virtual Christmas celebration 2020
Pukul 18.00 WIB - 21.00 WIB/11.30-12.30 WIB
Kapel Lantai 2 Gedung Adipadma
Jehian Apta (Ketua UKM Kristen 2023 - 2024)
The Ativity Unit of Christian Students is one of the student’s spiritual activity at iiK. This Unit of Student’s Activity can be used as a medium to provide oneself with various kinds of competencies and skills especially in spiritual sector during their study period in order to make their faith and belief in God grow.
Choir as The Unit of Student Activity IS a student organization located at iiK Bhakti wiyata Kediri which is involved in the choir art. This Unit of Student Activity was set upon the basis of student’s willingness to have an exercise if the singing field and folk song to develp their talent. The aim of this Unit of student Activity is to develop the students’ creativity, and to be the medium for the students to implement and appreciate their talents for further achivements.
So far, The choir as a Unit of Studet Activity has taken part in many events although just limited in the campus considering its young age. The events which are commonly joined by this Unit of Student Activity include the Great National day, Innauguration Ceremony, the Campus Anniversary (DN), and still many other ceremnial events. To join this Unit of student activity, you just fill out the form prepared by the choir member , and join the choir exercise routinely. The acceptance of new member is opened at every new period.

Unit of Student Activity : Choir

Unit of Student Activity : Choir
Setiap Selasa dan Jumat,
Jam 18:30 - 21:00 WIB
Kharisma Timor Nur Aulia Paoh
(Ketua UKM Paduan Suara 2019-2020)
This Unit of Student Activity was set up considering the importance of choir in supporting every big event at Campus iiK Bhakti Wiyata, such as graduation ceremony , and profession oath. Beside that, many competitions around the campus can be taken advantage by the students to get local, national and international achivement.
This UKM was first established in 2007. Its activities include martial arts training, which covers physical exercises, mental training, and spiritual as well as artistic lessons. The training materials consist of:
- Physical training materials.
- Technical training materials.
- General knowledge and spiritual mental training materials.
To join this UKM, simply come to the training place at the scheduled time and location, and it is mandatory to participate in regular training sessions.

UKM Ikatan Keluarga Silat Putra Indonesia (IKSPI)

UKM Ikatan Keluarga Silat Putra Indonesia (IKSPI)
Event of UKM IKSPI
Event of UKM IKSPI
Event of UKM IKSPI
Event of UKM IKSPI
Senin dan Rabu
Pukul 16.00 - 22.00 WIB
Gerbang belakang IIK Bhakti Wiyata
Dandi Setiawan (Ketua UKM IKSPI 2023-2024)
In this student activity unit (UKM), students can develop their talents and learn more deeply about the steps, exercises, and martial arts techniques taught by the UKM coach. You can train students' mental and physical abilities as well as their faith, aligning with the national development goals to create a well-rounded Indonesian individual who is healthy both physically and spiritually, and embodies the spirit of Pancasila.
This Unit of Student Activity was firstly set up in 2017. This Unit of Student Activity covers some activities, such as: Routine exercises accompanied by students having basic experience in dance. in every exercise, a new movement and technique are given to the students . We also learn some dances to prepare a certain event if we are given a chance to join. To join this Unit of Student Activity, you can directly register yourself at the introduction session of this Unit of Student Activity at PKKMB.

UKM Tari

UKM Tari
Event of UKM Tari
Event of UKM Tari
Event of UKM Tari
Event of UKM Tari
Setiap Jumat
Jam 16:00 - 20:00 WIB
Auditorium atau Ruang Zumba lt 6
Revina Vernanda (Ketua UKM Tari 2023/2024)
By joining this Unit of Student Activity, you can develop your dance talent, and you are given an opportunity to learn dance and get a brilliant achievement.
UKM Sport Physiotherapy was founded in 2015. The background of the establishment of this UKM is to deepen knowledge and also experience in treating patients. UKM Sport Physiotherapy routine agenda is once a week we schedule a gathering. For time and space will always be informed on whatsapp group UKM Sport Physiotherapy. The form of activities of UKM Sport Physiotherapy is discussing or discussing a medical case that we agreed upon earlier. To join UKM Sport Physiotherapy, immediately come on the UKM schedule, after that we will later data. For convenience, please contact our contact person.
Event Internasional Kediri Vulcano Road Run 2019

Unit of Student's Activity : Sport Physiotherapy

Unit of Student's Activity : Sport Physiotherapy
Regular Meetings of the Sportfisio Student Activity Unit (UKM)
Distributing Iftar Meals for Ramadan Mubarak 2024
Event Activities for Kediri Half Marathon 2024 (May 12, 2024)
Event Anton cup
Event Anton cup
Pornikes Jember 2024 Health Team
Rector Cup Event
Setiap hari Selasa
16:00 -17:30 WIB
Ahmad Fatkhul Khoziin (Ketua UKM Sport Fisio 2023-2024)
The purpose of establishing this UKM is to increase knowledge and experience in handling patients.
The beginnings of UKM were established with the aim of developing the potential and quality of students in the K3 field who were able to think creatively, innovatively, professionally, and excel in competing. UKM itself is one of the fields of interest in the Department of Public Health so that currently the management of UKM is a student of the Public Health Program S1, but for members of the K3 UKM consists of all study programs. To join this UKM can directly register on the last day of PKKMB with how to contact the management of SMEs.

Unit of Student Activity : K3

Unit of Student Activity : K3
Event of UKM K3
Event of UKM K3
Event of UKM K3
Event of UKM K3
Event of UKM K3
Rabu (Offline setiap 2 minggu awal dan Online tiap minggu ketiga)
pukul 18.00
Putri Pertama Daniati (Ketua UKM K3 2023/2024)
0857-1053-5848 atau Friska 0812-5247-2697
By joining this UKM, students can understand Safety Induction Training and K3-related material and can directly observe the behavior of students and workers in IIK BW according to K3 standards.
PBIIK UKM was formed in 2016 by IIK BW students who have badminton hobbies and want to excel in that field. It is hoped that this UKM can improve the soft skills of Bhakti Wiyata Institute of Health Sciences students. The objectives of establishing UKM are as follows:
1. As a place to show the creativity and ability of students in the field of sports.
2. Creating relationships between students to get to know each other.
3. Building leadership skills among PB IIK UKM organizers.
During the training, this UKM activity was started with a warm-up movement and then continued with basic training such as how to hold a racket, make a smash and footsteps. To join the PB IIK UKM, you can contact the contact person listed.
Badminton UKM IIK BW won the event at Universitas Brawijaya

Unit of Student's Activity : Badminton

Unit of Student's Activity : Badminton
Event of UKM Bulutangkis
Event of UKM Bulutangkis
Selasa dan Jumat
16:00 dan 19:00 WIB
Galang Satria (Ketua UKM Badminton 2023/2024)
By joining this UKM, students can channel their hobbies and talents in the field of badminton by skillfully mastering badminton game techniques such as how to properly hold a racket, smash and step properly.
"One Symphony" music UKM was founded in the 2017 school year. As an intra-campus organization that accommodates students 'talents and interests in the field of music, this UKM is a means of developing members' abilities and creativity in musical ability. The objectives of establishing UKM are as follows:
1. For self-development of students in music.
2. To examine the process or how to play music for the members of the "One Symphony" music UKM
3. To overcome the problems in the music of SME members such as problems concerning the tunning system, instruments, balancing, and mastery of the stage.
4. To form qualified cadres.
This UKM agenda is routinely held once a week. To join this UKM, you can contact the contact person listed.
Routine activities of members of the IIK BW Music UKM

Unit of Student's Activity : Music

Unit of Student's Activity : Music
Selasa dan Kamis, 18.00 – 20:30 WIB
Yulius Antonius Alves Falo
(Ketua UKM Musik “One Symphony” Periode 2019/2020)
By joining this UKM, students can channel their hobbies and talents in the field of music by mastering vocal techniques.
UKM Entrepreneurship was established in 2017 with the aim of guiding entrepreneurial members so they can have an entrepreneurial spirit and strive to hone the skills of the members. The routine agenda for each meeting is conceptualized as follows:
• Basic entrepreneurship material from senior level.
• Sharing business experience from senior level.
• Sharing business experience from IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri lecturer.
• Routine annual agenda such as; Entrepreneurship Day (Bazaar), Entrepreneurship Seminar etc.
To join this UKM, you can contact the contact person listed.
Entrepreneur Seminar organized by UKM KWU IIK BW

Unit of student Activity : Entrepreneurship

Unit of student Activity : Entrepreneurship
Rabu dan Jumat
Pukul 18:30-20:00 WIB
Hutoyo Adi Saputro
(Ketua UKM Kewirausahaan Periode 2019/2020):
With the establishment of UKM Entrepreneurship, IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri students are guided so that they have an entrepreneurial spirit and can take part in the development of health and entrepreneurship, which is currently very much needed, namely skills.
UKM English Club was established in 2018 to train students who want to improve their English skills expected to help them in the workforce. Agenda conducted by the English Club is usually marked by meetings every week with the agenda of reading, writing, and listening to those concerned with English. There are also other activities aimed at improving English language proficiency. To join the UKM English Club, you can contact your friends who have joined this UKM. You can also directly contact the leader of the UKM English Club.
To join this UKM, you can contact the person below

Unit of Student Activity : English Club

Unit of Student Activity : English Club
Event of English Club
Event of UKM English Club
Dhini Prasetiya Ningrum (Ketua UKM English Club 2023-2024)
With the establishment of the UKM English Club, IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri students are guided to further improve their English skills for a communicative purpose.
The Volunteer Corps UKM was established in 2018. Volunteer Corps of IIK Bhakti Wiyata continues to develop UKM activities in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross Society and Volunteer Corps units from other campuses. The activities of IIK Bhakti Wiyata Volunteer Corps UKM are held once a week. Regular meetings were held to discuss the material presented by senior-level members who are members of the Volunteer Corps of the Indonesian Red Cross Society in Kediri. Moreover, the meeting also held a basic simulation of health such as measuring blood pressure. To join the Volunteer Corps UKM, students need to gill in the form provided by the UKM management.

Unit of Student Activity : The Volunteer Corps

Unit of Student Activity : The Volunteer Corps
Collaborative Social Service with Rumah Zakat Kediri City January 27, 2021 in Kediri
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT “Be a Human For Humanity” January 31, 2021
Student Volunteer Corps Webinar in the New Normal Era with the Basic Principles of the Indonesian Red Cross on December 10, 2020
Senin pukul 18.30 – 20.00 WIB
Gintan Adisty Septianisa (Ketua UKM Korps Sukarela Periode 2019/2020)
(085746601010 )
The Volunteer Corps of IIK Bhakti Wiyata was established to foster and develop the soul and spirit of humanity among students to have a sense of responsibility in community life.
Catholic Student Family (Indonesia: Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik (KMK)) is an organization in the form of a Catholic student activity unit. The Catholic Student Family was formed on June 6, 2016. Since its establishment, KMK has become a forum for carrying out activities both general and Catholic in spirituality with fellow Catholic students. From this arises the desire of Catholic students to form an association in which members of the association are Catholic students at Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata was formalized on September 4, 2019. This Catholic UKM was formed so that Catholic students on the IIK BW campus felt more a sense of belonging to their families and brotherhood. Thus, they could establish closer kinship and brotherhood in fostering a sense of Love and mutual belonging between catholic students as well as students and lecturers at the IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri Campus.

Unit of Student Activity : Catholic

Unit of Student Activity : Catholic
A visit to the Bhakti Luhur Kediri orphanage
Event of UKM Katolik
Prayers for the Closing of the Month of the Rosary October 2020
Veronika Ananda Putri (Ketua UKM Katolik 2023-2024)
Catholic Student Family (Indonesia: Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik (KMK)) is an organization in the form of a Catholic student activity unit. The Catholic Student Family was formed on June 6, 2016. Since its establishment, KMK has become a forum for carrying out activities both general and Catholic in spirituality with fellow Catholic students. From this arises the desire of Catholic students to form an association in which members of the association are Catholic students at Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata was formalized on September 4, 2019. This Catholic UKM was formed so that Catholic students on the IIK BW campus felt more a sense of belonging to their families and brotherhood. Thus, they could establish closer kinship and brotherhood in fostering a sense of Love and mutual belonging between catholic students as well as students and lecturers at the IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri Campus.
Journalism UKM is a Student Activity Unit (Indonesia: Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa, UKM) based on news science. Journalism UKM was formed on September 1, 2019, based on wanting to introduce IIK BW to parties outside the campus and to record every student activity in the form of reporting. On this basis, Journalism UKM was established. There is no need for those who do not yet have a provision in journalism to be afraid to join Journalism UKM. The members will be taught and trained in journalism. Sharing and teaching are important things that become a guideline in Journalism UKM. Journalism UKM was founded in a sophisticated era in terms of reporting. News can be disseminated in the form of social media (Instagram, website, Line, etc.) and printed form (magazines, newspapers, bulletin boards, etc.). Thus, Journalism UKM utilizes the situation in terms of reporting. With the existence of Journalism UKM can be a source of reading and entertainment in the field of Journalism for especially the IIK BW Family and generally for the general public.

Unit of Student's Activity : Journalist

Unit of Student's Activity : Journalist
Hari : Setiap hari rabu
Jam : 18:30 – 20:00
A212 lantai 2 Gedung Adipadma
(Ketua UKM Jurnalistik 2019-2020)
As a means of learning and sharing knowledge in the world of reporting (journalism). As a forum for reporting on-campus activities displayed in an interesting and trustworthy manner. Thus, they can become reading references for IIK BW students.
The initial establishment of MAPALA UKM was spearheaded by three students who at the time we were confused about choosing SMEs, all of which we considered important for our personal progress and the Institute itself. Then we have the same idea, which is to combine all aspects that exist in all SMEs in IIK BHAKTI WIYATA into one container and finally in 2019 this UKM was formed. The basic aim of this UKM is to form a personal member who has an independent, religious, noble, skilled and also has a healthy life awareness. On the other hand, this UKM is a way of uniting between IIK BHAKTI WIYATA students and outside students of IIK BHAKTI WIYATA, as well as taking the name of the national world campus with a climbing agenda where as a place to introduce the campus to prospective students later. His routine agenda is to care for nature and unite himself with nature. To join this UKM, come directly to our gathering time and fill out the UKM registration form.

Unit of Student Activities - Nature Lovers

Unit of Student Activities - Nature Lovers
Webinar Documentation of the Role of Food and Herbs in Survival in the Wild
Webinar Documentation of the Role of Food and Herbs in Survival in the Wild
Hari jum’at (minggu pertama) pukul 18.30 – 21.00 (LR 107)
Hari minggu (minggu kedua & ketiga) pukul 08.00 – 11.00 (LR 103)
Boy, Ketua UKM MAPALA 2019-2020
In addition to various SMEs from various sports and skills to the arts in IIK BHAKTI WIYATA, we are now here to combine and collaborate with all existing SME elements, with us establishing UKM MAPALA. By joining MAPALA UKM you can sharpen all the strengths that exist within you, starting from making you good at communicating well, training your independence, improving your skills, making a religious person can also maintain the balance of nature and also love nature itself. Of course in this UKM you can directly feel the combination of uniting yourself in nature and combining it with the health aspect.