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PKM RSH 2023, IIK Bhakta Students from the Galadiri Era Team Conduct Research on street children.

24 Aug 2023 13:11 by Totok Agung

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The phenomenon of street children is a social problem in urban areas, but now it has shifted to small towns and even at the district level (Mulu et al., 2022). The complex problems of street children include many segments of the population that are left behind, marginalized, exploited in terms of fulfilling the basic rights to life, health, nutrition, education and protection (Adriany et al., 2021). Globally, the prevalence of street children aged less than 18 years is estimated to reach 800 million in 2020. Uniquely, almost 36% of the global burden of street children is found in developing countries including Indonesia (Mulu et al., 2022, Bajari and Kuswarno, 2020) . In Indonesia, there is an alarming increase in the number of street children from 9,800 to 12,010 in 2020 (Bajari and Kuswarno, 2020).Specific problems, malnutrition is a major health threat to street children (Alam et al., 2021). This has an impact on recurrent infectious diseases (Kumar et al., 2017). The tragic consequences of malnutrition in childhood include morbidity, mortality, and impaired physical growth and cognitive development (Mulu et al., 2022). Stunting and wasting are the two most common indices used to define malnutrition (Nath et al., 2016). The prevalence is around 53 and 27 million street children respectively suffering from stunting and wasting, moreover there are 60% to 84% of them are faced with intellectual loss due to malnutrition (Mulu et al., 2022). The causes of stunting and wasting are multidimensional and are closely correlated with health behavior factors in defecation and food safety (Kumar et al., 2017).Departing from this concern, Hendra Adi Prasetiyo Together with Rafi Hadi Winata, Siti Nurdiana and Yuyin Dhea Afufa from the Bachelor of Nursing study program also took Nandya Zahra Putri Hakim from the D3 Medical Laboratory Technology study program to join the Socio Humanities Research Student Creativity Program (PKM-RSH) ) which focuses on the synergistic relationship between open defecation behavior and food safety on nutritional status including wasting and stunting of street children in Kediri City, Kediri and Tulungagung Regencies.The Galadiri Era PKM team accompanied by Yohanes Andy Rias, M. Kep., PhD. It examines the value of lymphocytes and neutrophils which is supported by filling out questionnaires by street children. Lymfocyte and neutrophil laboratory results are used as supporting data to detect oxidative stress. While data on open defecation and food safety were obtained from filling out questionnaires and interviews.The urgency of this research is the step the Indonesian government has launched many improvement measures to reduce the burden of malnutrition among different segments of the population. However, it does not yet have a clear effect on the health and nutrition problems of street children.

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