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PKM-RSH 2023 IIK Bhakta Conducts Research: Relationship Study of Gender Stereotypes, Spirituality, and Patriarchy as Indicators of Nursing Student Satisfaction Levels for Selected Majors

12 Oct 2023 09:40 by Totok Agung

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The IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri Social Humanities Research Student Creativity Program conducted research to assess the level of satisfaction of nursing students in the Kediri City, Kediri Regency, Blitar and Tulungagung areas.

PRATAMA TENDER PKM TEAM Students from the Bhakti Wiyata Kediri Institute of Health Sciences from the Bachelor of Nursing study program consisting of Azarine Carissa Chavvah Areta, Muhammad Rafi Firdaus (Grade 3), Riski Nuril Hasanah, Sindi Wulandari (Grade 2), Levina Novaisniati (Grade 1). With accompanying lecturer Yohanes Andy Rias., M.Kep., PhD, conducted research on the value of major satification (satisfaction) of nursing students in the context of academic guidance for the major they are taking which is influenced by several factors including gender stereotypes, level of spirituality, and perceptions of patriarchy. exists within nursing students and is certainly also influenced by the surrounding environment.

This study aims to explore how factors such as gender stereotypes, level of spirituality, and perceptions of patriarchy can influence nursing students' level of satisfaction with the academic guidance they receive.

"Male and female nurses are basically the same in terms of service, it's just that if I were asked to choose between male and female nurses, I would prefer female nurses," he said.

"The value of stigma and misunderstanding among the public regarding the nursing profession, especially male nurses, where men are a minority in the nursing profession where the world of nursing is currently mostly dominated by women. It is also considered that men cannot provide services commensurate with the services provided by female nurses, which can be concluded that the importance of increasing major satisfaction scores can increase the competency of nursing students." said Riski and Sindi in their assessment of the local community's understanding of the nursing profession, Monday (04/09/2023).

From the various stigmas circulating in society related to male nurses, there are many real examples of male nurses who are now working throughout Indonesia which can provide a real picture that male nurses can also become competent nurses. Even though the world of nursing is characterized by someone who is full of care and compassion, aren't men also human beings who can give their care and affection to other people?


Riski and his team also conducted an interview with one of the nursing student representatives. From the interview results, it was explained that they do not agree with the differences in gender and patriarchal stereotypes that develop in society, because according to them men and women are equal, where women can also do what men do. So women should also be able to voice their opinions freely and vice versa. And if male and female nurses could work together in providing care services to patients in hospitals it would definitely be better.

The results of the study show several important findings, a correlation between Gender Stereotypes and Satisfaction: Students who are more sensitive to gender stereotypes in the nursing profession tend to have lower levels of satisfaction with academic guidance. This may be due to their perception of lower expectations for their abilities in this profession. Influence of Spirituality: The level of spirituality also has a significant influence on student satisfaction. Students with a higher level of spirituality tend to feel more satisfied with the academic guidance provided. This likely occurs because a higher level of spirituality can help students face academic challenges positively and adaptively. Perception of Patriarchy: This research found that students who perceive the academic environment as tending to be patriarchal have a lower level of satisfaction with academic guidance. This shows the need for steps to create a more inclusive academic environment, where students feel supported and valued regardless of gender.

In order to increase student satisfaction in academic guidance, this research suggests the need for efforts to reduce gender stereotypes in the nursing profession and create an academic environment that is more inclusive and based on the principles of gender equality. Apart from that, facilitating and supporting students' spiritual development is also an important factor in increasing their satisfaction with academic guidance.

This research highlights the importance of understanding the factors that influence student satisfaction in the context of academic advising, and suggests that factors such as gender stereotypes, spirituality, and perceptions of patriarchy can have a significant impact in this regard.


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