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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a serious impact especially on the education sector, especially at the tertiary level, both public and private, limiting meetings on campus and switching to online. This transition to online learning methods will have an impact on students and educational organizations throughout the world. Independent learning is a learning approach method that has proven to be important to use in the teaching and learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, the fact is that after COVID-19, it needs to be explored that new problems will definitely arise when online learning changes to hybrid again, which has become a current educational phenomenon. This learning transition will certainly be a problem that has an impact on achieving learning outcomes after difficulties in adapting from online to offline in the past.
Starting from the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in 2020, the Student Creativity Program Team for Social Humanities Research (PKM-RSH) IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri tried to carry out several analyzes regarding the impact of the changes/transitions that occurred on Nursing Students. especially in Independent Learning. The Student Creativity Program Team for Social Humanities Research (PKM-RSH) IIK Bakti Wiyata Kediri consists of Novia Febriyanti (S1 Nursing 2022), Astari Dania Mava'aza (S1 Nursing 2022), Atika Yon Saputri (S1 Nursing 2022), Romaulina Sihaloho (S1 Nursing 2020), and Selfie Nofita Sari (S1 Nursing 2020).
By receiving assistance from Yohanes Andy Rias., M.Kep., PhD. As supervisors in their research, they succeeded in revealing that the COVID-19 pandemic certainly had an impact on independent learning for students, especially nursing students on campuses in the Kediri City, Kediri Regency, Tulungagung and Blitar areas.
The independent learning method or self-directed learning (SDL) is learning that begins on your own and evaluates yourself (Knowles, et al, 2018). Independent learning has been widely used as pedagogical learning in the current educational era, including in nursing education. In implementing the independent learning method, there are several factors that can influence the effectiveness of the independent learning method itself, these factors include academic motivation, mindfulness, and optimism. However, there are studies reported to determine the relationship between academic motivation, mindfulness, and optimism, which is still being studied, especially in nursing students.
Moreover, the independent learning method is one method that is widely used during the pandemic, online, which is a transition form from direct face-to-face learning methods. This is a novelty and positive contribution from this research which assesses the transition from online to offline learning.
"Transition itself is defined as a journey from one fairly stable state to another, and is a process that occurs as a result of a change. "In nursing academic education, transition theory is used in developing new educational methods to increase knowledge," said Astari Dania at the IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri Campus, Friday (01/09).
If you look more closely, according to Astari, transition theory is also used in the process of changing educational methods from previously offline to online or mixed/hybrid. In the nursing realm, the transition of many nursing students occurs without preparation for the new role and adequate knowledge of online learning.
Novia Febriyanti added that as the nursing profession continues to change and develop, learning strategies in nursing education must be updated to prepare nursing students to face health challenges. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, they are required to be more advanced and developed.
This research will define and articulate transition elements as a core nursing concept, identify and analyze the relationship between these elements and discuss the transition process for nursing students from online to offline with factors that influence the independent learning process for nursing students.
"The main point of this research is personal conditions that can influence the transition process from independent learning methods, including the factors of academic motivation, mindfulness and optimism of nursing students," explained Novia Febriyanti.