Registration for Year 2025 - 2026 Regist Now
The Employee Class Program (RPL, Program and Level Transfer Categories) for TA 2024-2025 has been opened. More Info
A. How to pay via ATM
1. Choose another Menu
2. Choose Payment
3. Choose Next Menu
4. Choose Virtual Account menu
5. Insert 16 digits of Virtual acount number (it is different for each registrar)
6. The screen will show Bhakti Wiyata Institution, your virtual account numbers, then insert the amount of online registration fee, and press "TRUE" to carry out payment.
ATM of the other Banks
1. Choose "inter Banks transfer" menu
2. Insert the Bank Code of OCBC NISP (028)
3. Insert 16 digits of virtual account number on the target account
4. Insert the nominal to be paid.
5. Then follow the instruction on the ATM machine.
B. Payment System via Internet Banking
1. Login by User ID and Pasword
2. Choose the demand for payment menu
3. Choose One time payment menu
4. Choose Virtual account, click Next
5. Choose the source menu, insert your virtual account number, and insert the payment date as needed.
6. Click "Show", check the appearing information. Make sure about the institution: Bhakti Wiyata and the virtual account number is suitable with the given one when carrying out the online registration process.
7. When it is OK, insert the amount which is going to be paid.
8. Please insert the given token code given "OCBC NISP Token"
9. After finishing, the validation evidence will appear from the system, and then print or save used as a proof.
The Other Banks
1. Login by User ID and Pasword
2. Choose "inter Banks transfer" menu
3. Choose OCBC NISP Bank (code 028) as the receiver bank
4. Insert 16 digits of virtual account number on the target account
5. Insert the nominal to be paid.
6. Check the appearing information. Make sure about the institution: Bhakti Wiyata and the virtual account number is suitable with the given one when carrying out the online registration process.
7. When it is OK, pleasec continue the payment process
8. After finishing, the validation evidence will appear from the system, and then print or save used as a proof.
C. The Paymemt System via Teller
1. Direcly come to the teller of OCBC NISP Bank at any branches.
2. Fill out the payment blank and fill out the Virtual Account number on the target account and the paid nominal and and the registrar’s name and news on the explanation column.
3. Hand the blank over to teller to proceed the payment.
The Other Banks
1. Direcly come to the bank teller.
2. Fill out the payment blank and fill out the Virtual Account number on the target account and the paid nominal and and the registrar’s name and news on the explanation column.
3. Hand the blank over to teller to proceed the payment.
An Example of how to fill out the cash payment blank of BCA Bank
1. The Virtual Account Number of OCBC NISP
2. Institution name, insert: "Bhakti Wiyata"
3. The Institution address, insert: "JL. KH. WACHID HASYIM"
4. Insert the information from the receiver bank (OCBC NISP).
5. Insert the name of money sender.
6. Insert news and the transfer nominal.
A. How to pay via ATM
1. Choose the Other transactions
2. Choose Transfer
3. Choose BCA Virtual account MENU
4. Enter the 16 digit Virtual Account number (differs per registrant) and choose right
5. Enter the nominal you wish to transfer (transfer according to study fees paid)
6. The screen will display your Virtual Account number and name, company / product IIK Bhakti Wiyata, and nominal study costs will be paid, and press "Yes" to make payment.
7. After a successful transaction, select NO to end transaction. Transaction complete.
B. Payment Method Through Internet Banking
1. Login with your internet banking User ID and PIN
2. Select the Fund Transfer menu
3. Select the Transfer menu to the BCA Virtual Account
4. Fill in No. Your BCA Virtual Account, click continue
5. Enter the Transfer Amount and the news (optional), then click Continue (note: ignore billing information and total bill Rp 10,000, enter the transfer amount as required paid for)
6. Check the transfer information, make sure No. Virtual Account entered correctly. If it is appropriate, enter no. key response BCA appli 1 then click send
7. Transaction has been completed. Keep proof of this transfer for marks valid proof of payment if needed at any time
*Payment using ATM or Internet Banking to BCA Virtual Account can only be done for fellow BCA account users.
C. Payment Methods Through Teller
1. Come directly to any branch of Bank BCA teller
2. Fill in the deposit blank and fill in the required information as in below this