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The Student Creativity Program organized by SIMBELMAWA encourages many students to show their creativity in their respective fields. Likewise, four students from the Bhakti Wiyata Kediri Institute of Health Sciences took part in the Student Creativity Program which uses the 3 Series Community-Based Participative Approach method to empower the PKK in Plingsangan Hamlet to prevent the spread of dengue fever.Students named Lale Ruwanda Pratias W. (S1 Nursing), Lale Sumiarti Sulistiani (S1 Nursing), Citra Dewi Maharani (S1 Nursing), and Jani Fauzi (S1 Pharmacy) under the guidance of Supervisor Yohanes Andy Rias, M.Kep., Ph.D. Raising the title "Empowering Family Welfare through a Community-Based Participative Approach Based on 3 Series to Prevent Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Plingsangan Hamlet, Kediri Regency".The Community-Based Participative Approach was chosen as a method of community service in order to obtain a participatory approach by partner communities. Meanwhile, the 3 Serangkai program consists of outreach which contains education on preventing the spread of dengue hemorrhagic fever, training in making ovitraps, as well as training in making herbal mosquito repellent candles which utilize local resources in Plingsangan Hamlet such as maja fruit, secang wood and rosella flowers.1. CounselingThe first activity focused on providing outreach to PKK mothers through education about the dangers of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which is the main cause of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Participants were given knowledge about the mosquito life cycle, prevention methods, and the importance of maintaining a clean environment.2. Ovitrap Making TrainingThe second part of the 3 series is training in making ovitraps from plastic bottle waste. Ovitrap is a tool used to trap and kill the eggs and larvae of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. In this training, PKK women were taught how to process used plastic bottles into effective ovitraps. This training not only helps in preventing dengue fever, but also teaches people how to recycle plastic waste. 3. Herbal Candle Making TrainingThe third activity is training in making herbal candles as a mosquito repellent. This candle is made from natural ingredients that are easily found nearby, such as maja fruit, secang wood, and rosella flowers. Apart from being an effort to prevent dengue fever, this herbal candle also has economic value and can be sold to increase family income.