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The Grand Final of the 35th IIK BW Karaoke and Cover Jingle Diesnatalist Competition

9 Nov 2020 15:31 by Totok Agung

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The Grand Final of IIK BW Karaoke and Cover Jingle Contest in order to celebrate the 35th IIK BW Anniversary was over (9/11), via Youtube IIK Bhakti Wiyata. In the Grand Final, the first winner was won by Farel Ibnu Dofi 'from SMPN 1 Tilkam, Agam Regency, the second winner was Mifthah Aulianti from Padang State Polytechnic.and the third winner was Ade Ba'dani Ramdhan from the Jakarta State Polytechnic.Before winning the title, they have eliminated 36 other participants and entered the big 12 (Grand Final). In the grand final round, their performance was able to sedate the jury which made them entitled to win the karaoke competition title and IIK BW cover jingle this year.The Jury of IIK BW karaoke and cover jingle contest Anang Setyo Wiyono, S. Farm., M.Farm., Apt. thanked and appreciated the participants who had ordinary wild talents.According to the Dean of FTMK IIK BW, this karaoke competition was able to attract participants from all over Indonesia."This competition is followed by participants from various regions in Indonesia. Participants from Aceh to Bali have registered. This proves that IIK BW has been recognized by the Indonesian people. Congratulations to the winners. For participants who have not won there is still a chance to become a champion in the next IIK BW Anniversary event, ”he added.

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