Registration for Year 2025 - 2026 Regist Now
The Employee Class Program (RPL, Program and Level Transfer Categories) for TA 2024-2025 has been opened. More Info
Moch. Abdul Rochim, S.ST, M.Si
The one assigned to assist, serve and facilitate specific activities related to physical facilities and learning resources as directed by the Director of Resources Affairs
Co Deputy for Physical Infrastructure and K3 for Campus Environment
Rizal Aditya Hermawan S.ST., MSi
Mohamad Anis Fahmi, S.KM., MPH.
The one assigned to assist, serve, and facilitate specific activities related to information system management and technology.
Co Deputy for Management, Information System Technology and Reporting Systems
Ismiy Noer Wahyuni, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Ibnu Muhariawan Restuaji, S.Si., M.Si.
Someone who is assigned to assist, serve, and facilitate special activities related to laboratory facilities.
1. Helping institutes related to laboratory governance
2. Helping institutes improve laboratory quality
3. Helping institutes evaluate student practicum activities
4. Carry out other tasks ordered by the leadership to support the smooth running of tasks and operations.
Co Deputy for Laboratory Facilities
Kepala Lab Gigi -Ernita Sari, drg., M.Kes
Kepala Lab Farmasi - apt. Munifatul Lailiyah, M.Farm
Kepala Lab Herbal - apt. Septiawan Adi Nugroho, S.Farm.
Kepala Lab Klinik - Sri Wahyuni, S.ST., M.Imun.
Kepala Lab Mini Hospital - Paramita Ratna Gayatri, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes
Kepala Lab Analisa - Farida Noor Arifah, S. Si., M.Sc.
Atmira Sariwati, S.Si., M.Si.
The one assigned to assist, serve, and facilitate specific activities related to human resources as directed by the Director of Resources Affairs.
Co Deputy for Human Resources
Nofita Sari, S.KM., M.Epid
Indah Susilowati, SH., MH.
A person assigned to assist, serve, and facilitate specific activities related to performance planning and revenue generating.
1. Assist the Institute in formulating technical policies regarding the management, development, control, and development of business units within IIK Bhakta.
2. Assist institutes in implementing academic expertise with faculties, study programs, laboratories, and other work units.
3. Assist institutes in monitoring and evaluating performance related to revenue generating and business innovation.
4. Carry out other tasks ordered by the leadership to support the smooth running of tasks and operations.
Co Deputy for Performance Planning and Revenue Generating
Marianingsih, S.KM., M.Kes