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Nabila Lufita Sari's work should be appreciated. The student from the D4 Medical Laboratory Technology study program succeeded in becoming the East Java Talented Wastra Princess which was held on Sunday (29/06/2024).Putera Puteri Wastra East Java is an association whose aim is to preserve culture, especially wastra or traditional cloth owned by the Indonesian people in the province of East Java. By channeling their interests and talents, it is hoped that young people will be able to know, love and develop the cultural and artistic products that exist in East Java.Nabila said that her reason for joining Duta Wastra was to awaken the charm of East Javanese Wastra and the life values contained therein, especially in the younger generation as potential holders of the cultural baton."My love for culture, especially East Java, makes me motivated to introduce the potential charm of cultural heritage. "Don't let our young generation not be proud of their culture, because truly a great nation is a nation that is proud of its culture," he said.