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IIK Bhakta Public Health Undergraduate Product Exhibition: Health Processed Innovations with Economic Value

3 Jan 2025 14:56 by Totok Agung

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As part of efforts to develop an entrepreneurial spirit among students, the IIK Bhakta Public Health Undergraduate Study Program held a product exhibition in front of the Bhakta Auditorium, Friday (03/01/2025). This exhibition is one of the implementations of the Entrepreneurship course which is held to encourage students not only to understand entrepreneurship theory, but also to develop their creativity in creating products that are useful in the health sector and have high economic potential.At this exhibition, various health products were exhibited, ranging from herbal products, food supplements, to environmentally friendly health devices.It is hoped that this product exhibition will have a positive impact on students, both in developing entrepreneurial skills and in increasing their awareness of the importance of public health. Apart from that, this exhibition also has an impact on society by introducing innovative products that are not only beneficial for health, but also have economic value that can be accessed by many people.​​​​​​​Through this activity, Dr Reny Nugraheni, S.KM., MM. M.Kes, hopes to produce young entrepreneurs who are not only oriented towards economic profits, but also contribute positively to improving the quality of public health through the products they produce.

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