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IIK Bhakta Welcomes 2024 NTB Merdeka Scholarship Recipients: Ready to Take You to the Peak of Success

22 Aug 2024 09:54 by Totok Agung

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The Merdeka IIK Bhakta scholarship awardees and the NTB Provincial Government through the NTB Regional Research and Innovation Agency (Brida) finally arrived at the IIK Bhakta campus, Friday (22/08/2024).A total of 29 students from NTB will later continue their studies at the Bhakti Wiyata Institute of Health Sciences. The awardees will study at IIK Bhakta until they graduate, with a full scholarship. For the level of education that will be undertaken, there are D3 Midwifery, Bachelor's Degree in Midwifery, Bachelor's Degree in Hospital Administration, Bachelor's Degree in Public Health, and Bachelor's Degree in Nursing.The departure of the awardees was accompanied by Lalu Suryadu, S.SP., M.M as Plt. Head of the Science and Technology Resources Development Division, Brida NTB, together with the NTB scholarship team and a number of student guardians. They were welcomed directly by the Chancellor of IIK Bhakta Prof. Dr. apt. Muhamad Zainuddin, Deputy Chancellor, Dean and Head of the IIK Bhakta study program.Prof. Dr. apt. Muhamad Zainuddin in his speech welcomed the 29 awardees who had been received and arrived at IIK Bhakta. "Welcome students from NTB, welcome to the campus of champions, explore your potential and achieve the best possible achievements," he said.

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