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MoU antara IIK Bhakta dan UNISMA Malang: Kerjasama antara Fakultas Kedokteran UNISMA dan S1 Administrasi Rumah Sakit IIK Bhakta

6 Jan 2025 10:05 by Totok Agung

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MoU between IIK Bhakta and UNISMA Malang: Collaboration between UNISMA Medical Faculty and IIK Bhakta Hospital Administration S1 The Bhakti Wiyata Institute of Health Sciences (IIK Bhakta) and the Islamic University of Malang (UNISMA) Malang have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which marks the start of strategic collaboration between the two institutions, Monday (06/01/2025).

This MoU covers various important aspects in the field of education and human resource development in the health sector, with a special focus on collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine UNISMA Malang and the Bachelor of Administration Study Program at IIK Bhakta Hospital. Chancellor of IIK Bhakta, Prof. Dr. Apt. Muhamad Zainuddin said that the signing of the MoU between IIK Bhakta and UNISMA Malang was an important step towards achieving shared goals in advancing the health sector, especially in developing education and practice in the fields of medicine and hospital management.

"Through this collaboration, both parties are committed to continuing to develop synergies in various fields which will provide great benefits for students, lecturers and the wider community," he said. Meanwhile, Deputy Dean II UNISMA, Dr.dr. Dinis Sri Damayanti, M.Kes. explained that this collaboration aims to improve the quality of education on both campuses, by providing a richer learning experience for students, lecturers and professionals in the health sector. "In this context, IIK Bhakta with the Hospital Administration Study Program and the UNISMA Faculty of Medicine have the same vision in advancing health education and producing competent medical and administr


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