Registration for Year 2025 - 2026 Regist Now
The Employee Class Program (RPL, Program and Level Transfer Categories) for TA 2024-2025 has been opened. More Info
This study program is an advanced program for students to become a professional nurse, which must be taken after graduating from an academic program with a Bachelor of Nursing degree. The aim is to provide opportunities for students to gain real experience to achieve professional skills that include intellectual abilities, interpersonal skills and skills in providing nursing care services to clients.
Degree : Profession
SKS : 36 |
Duration : 1 Year
Title : Ns |
Accreditation LAM-PTKes
Very Good | 0204/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/VI/2021
Has Excellent Accreditation.
The curriculum is adjusted to the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI), SN-Dikti, and AIPNI (Indonesian Nursing Education Institutions Association) curriculum.
Students learn directly in clinical settings or hospitals, enabling them to produce excellent graduates.
Graduates easily find jobs, with many working in health institutions abroad.
Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.
Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :
Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada
Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:
Online Learning
Akses Jadwal Kuliah
Media Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah
Download Materi
Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa
Akses KRS & KHS
Akses Nilai & Transkrip Akademik
Media Evaluasi Dosen
Kembangkan Dirimu Menjadi Tenaga Farmasi Anda Bersama IIK Bhakta
Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Ners merupakan program pendidikan profesi yang berada di bawah naungan Fakultas Kesehatan Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata Kediri, dimana sejak awal berdirinya terintegrasi dengan Prodi S1 Keperawatan, kemudian pada Bulan April 2012 Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi ini berdiri sendiri. Prodi Pendidikan Profesi Ners telah mendapatkan akreditasi Baik Sekali pada 25 Juni 2021 Berdasarkan SK Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan (LAM-PTKes) Nomor SK: 0204/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/VI/2021.
Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Ners menghasilkan tenaga Perawat (Ners) Profesional yang siap bekerja dalam Pemberian Asuhan Keperawatan secara komprehensif di tatanan pelayanan kesehatan baik di instansi pemerintah, swasta dan bahkan beberapa alumni bekerja sebagai tenaga perawat di luar negeri. Kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Ners telah disesuaikan dengan Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI), SN-Dikti dan berdasarkan kurikulum AIPNI. Mahasiswa pada program pendidikan profesi ners telah menempuh Pendidikan akademik (sarjana keperawatan) yang telah di yudisium. Selama Pendidikan profesi mahasiswa belajar secara langsung selama dua semester pada tatanan klinik atau rumah sakit yang menghantarkan mahasiswa untuk adaptasi menerima pendelegasian dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan secara profesional. Pada akhir masa studi mahasiswa mengikuti uji kompetensi ners secara nasional dan setelah lulus mahasiswa di yudisium dan diambil sumpahnya sebagai Perawat Ners.
Sampai saat ini Prodi Pendidikan Profesi Ners telah menghasilkan lulusan Ners yang bekerja di berbagai instansi Kesehatan. Lulusan Ners juga mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan masa tunggu relatif cepat dengan masa tunggu kurang dari 3 bulan. Ini menunjukkan bukti nyata bahwa lulusan Ners mampu bersaing di dunia kerja dan menjadi lulusan yang banyak dibutuhkan di dunia kerja. Dengan demikian diharapkan prodi pendidikan profesi ners terus memberikan kontribusi di dunia Kesehatan sesuai dengan visi institusi dan ikut serta dalam mencerdaskan bangsa melalui Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Dengan fakta ini kami berharap kepercayaan masyarakat luas terhadap prodi Ners akan semakin meningkat. Terima Kasih.
Kaprodi NERS Professional Education
Sri Wahyuni, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep
35 Tahun
lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan
Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional
Kurikulum Praktek
To become a study program that excels in the quality of the three pillars of higher education in the field of emergency nursing and management, based on PLUS culture, at the national level by 2025.
Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester
Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.
Information :
*) apply the authority to conduct, obtained in stages in accordance with the mentoring and preceptoring program.
IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.
My experience studying at IIK Bhakta was truly extraordinary because it helped me become a more active, creative, and innovative individual. Why? Because at this campus, I was encouraged to explore my potential and given opportunities to achieve excellence. I was taught to be confident in speaking, communicating, and asking questions. Moreover, the lecturers played a significant role in shaping my personality for the better. The materials delivered were clear and straightforward, which greatly benefited me. The facilities were excellent and modern, continuously updated to keep up with the times.
Hilda Tanti Yuliana
Graduation Year 2024
Studying at IIK Bhakta taught me to appreciate the diversity of cultures and ethnicities. Many students at IIK Bhakta come from various regions, such as NTT, Java, Madura, Timor Leste, and other areas. This cultural diversity is nurtured like a family. Moreover, the sense of togetherness, mutual respect, and guidance from lecturers who are patient, dedicated, and never give up inspire us to strive for excellence. This support motivated us to achieve our goals and graduate as professional and competent healthcare workers. Today, I work as an ICU Nurse at National Hospital Surabaya.
Johanes Eban B. Dorman, S.Kep, Ns
Graduation Year 2007
As an alumni of the Nursing program at IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri, class of 2007, I am currently employed at the Regional General Hospital dr. Saiful Anwar in Malang. The knowledge I acquired during my studies was comprehensive, supported by complete facilities, comfortable classrooms, and competent lecturers in their respective fields.
I take immense pride in being a graduate of the Nursing program at IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri, as it has equipped me with the skills needed to compete in the workforce.
Reni Indawati S.Kep,Ners
Graduation Year 2007
Nurse in RSUD dr Saiful Anwar Malang.
Course Distribution
Code | Courses | SKS | Required / Selection | ||
Theory | Practice | Required | Selection | ||
22KPD740 | Basic Nursing Professional Practice | - | 2 | √ | - |
22KPB740 | Medical-Surgical Nursing Professional Practice | - | 6 | √ | - |
22KPA740 | Pediatric Nursing Professional Practice | - | 3 | √ | - |
22KPM740 | Maternity Nursing Professional Practice | - | 4 | √ | - |
22KPE740 | Emergency and Critical Care Nursing Professional Practice | - | 6 | √ | - |
22KPJ740 | Mental Health Nursing Professional Practice | - | 3 | √ | - |
22KPT740 | Family and Community Nursing Professional Practice | - | 5 | √ | - |
22KPG740 | Gerontological Nursing Professional Practice | - | 2 | √ | - |
22MJP740 | Integrated Critical and Emergency Nursing | - | 3 | √ | - |
22TAK740 | Final Scientific Paper | - | 2 | √ | - |
Jumlah | 0 | 36 | 10 | 0 |
Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.
Has Excellent Accreditation.
The curriculum is adjusted to the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI), SN-Dikti, and AIPNI (Indonesian Nursing Education Institutions Association) curriculum.
Students learn directly in clinical settings or hospitals, enabling them to produce excellent graduates.
Graduates easily find jobs, with many working in health institutions abroad.
Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.
Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :
Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada
Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:
Online Learning
Akses Jadwal Kuliah
Media Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah
Download Materi
Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa
Akses KRS & KHS
Akses Nilai & Transkrip Akademik
Media Evaluasi Dosen
Kembangkan Dirimu Menjadi Tenaga Farmasi Anda Bersama IIK Bhakta
Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Ners merupakan program pendidikan profesi yang berada di bawah naungan Fakultas Kesehatan Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata Kediri, dimana sejak awal berdirinya terintegrasi dengan Prodi S1 Keperawatan, kemudian pada Bulan April 2012 Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi ini berdiri sendiri. Prodi Pendidikan Profesi Ners telah mendapatkan akreditasi Baik Sekali pada 25 Juni 2021 Berdasarkan SK Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan (LAM-PTKes) Nomor SK: 0204/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/VI/2021.
Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Ners menghasilkan tenaga Perawat (Ners) Profesional yang siap bekerja dalam Pemberian Asuhan Keperawatan secara komprehensif di tatanan pelayanan kesehatan baik di instansi pemerintah, swasta dan bahkan beberapa alumni bekerja sebagai tenaga perawat di luar negeri. Kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Ners telah disesuaikan dengan Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI), SN-Dikti dan berdasarkan kurikulum AIPNI. Mahasiswa pada program pendidikan profesi ners telah menempuh Pendidikan akademik (sarjana keperawatan) yang telah di yudisium. Selama Pendidikan profesi mahasiswa belajar secara langsung selama dua semester pada tatanan klinik atau rumah sakit yang menghantarkan mahasiswa untuk adaptasi menerima pendelegasian dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan secara profesional. Pada akhir masa studi mahasiswa mengikuti uji kompetensi ners secara nasional dan setelah lulus mahasiswa di yudisium dan diambil sumpahnya sebagai Perawat Ners.
Sampai saat ini Prodi Pendidikan Profesi Ners telah menghasilkan lulusan Ners yang bekerja di berbagai instansi Kesehatan. Lulusan Ners juga mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan masa tunggu relatif cepat dengan masa tunggu kurang dari 3 bulan. Ini menunjukkan bukti nyata bahwa lulusan Ners mampu bersaing di dunia kerja dan menjadi lulusan yang banyak dibutuhkan di dunia kerja. Dengan demikian diharapkan prodi pendidikan profesi ners terus memberikan kontribusi di dunia Kesehatan sesuai dengan visi institusi dan ikut serta dalam mencerdaskan bangsa melalui Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Dengan fakta ini kami berharap kepercayaan masyarakat luas terhadap prodi Ners akan semakin meningkat. Terima Kasih.
Kaprodi NERS Professional Education
Sri Wahyuni, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep
35 Tahun
lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan
Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional
Kurikulum Praktek
To become a study program that excels in the quality of the three pillars of higher education in the field of emergency nursing and management, based on PLUS culture, at the national level by 2025.
Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester
Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.
Information :
*) apply the authority to conduct, obtained in stages in accordance with the mentoring and preceptoring program.
IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.
My experience studying at IIK Bhakta was truly extraordinary because it helped me become a more active, creative, and innovative individual. Why? Because at this campus, I was encouraged to explore my potential and given opportunities to achieve excellence. I was taught to be confident in speaking, communicating, and asking questions. Moreover, the lecturers played a significant role in shaping my personality for the better. The materials delivered were clear and straightforward, which greatly benefited me. The facilities were excellent and modern, continuously updated to keep up with the times.
Hilda Tanti Yuliana
Graduation Year 2024
Studying at IIK Bhakta taught me to appreciate the diversity of cultures and ethnicities. Many students at IIK Bhakta come from various regions, such as NTT, Java, Madura, Timor Leste, and other areas. This cultural diversity is nurtured like a family. Moreover, the sense of togetherness, mutual respect, and guidance from lecturers who are patient, dedicated, and never give up inspire us to strive for excellence. This support motivated us to achieve our goals and graduate as professional and competent healthcare workers. Today, I work as an ICU Nurse at National Hospital Surabaya.
Johanes Eban B. Dorman, S.Kep, Ns
Graduation Year 2007
As an alumni of the Nursing program at IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri, class of 2007, I am currently employed at the Regional General Hospital dr. Saiful Anwar in Malang. The knowledge I acquired during my studies was comprehensive, supported by complete facilities, comfortable classrooms, and competent lecturers in their respective fields.
I take immense pride in being a graduate of the Nursing program at IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri, as it has equipped me with the skills needed to compete in the workforce.
Reni Indawati S.Kep,Ners
Graduation Year 2007
Nurse in RSUD dr Saiful Anwar Malang.
Course Distribution
Code | Courses | SKS | Required / Selection | ||
Theory | Practice | Required | Selection | ||
22KPD740 | Basic Nursing Professional Practice | - | 2 | √ | - |
22KPB740 | Medical-Surgical Nursing Professional Practice | - | 6 | √ | - |
22KPA740 | Pediatric Nursing Professional Practice | - | 3 | √ | - |
22KPM740 | Maternity Nursing Professional Practice | - | 4 | √ | - |
22KPE740 | Emergency and Critical Care Nursing Professional Practice | - | 6 | √ | - |
22KPJ740 | Mental Health Nursing Professional Practice | - | 3 | √ | - |
22KPT740 | Family and Community Nursing Professional Practice | - | 5 | √ | - |
22KPG740 | Gerontological Nursing Professional Practice | - | 2 | √ | - |
22MJP740 | Integrated Critical and Emergency Nursing | - | 3 | √ | - |
22TAK740 | Final Scientific Paper | - | 2 | √ | - |
Jumlah | 0 | 36 | 10 | 0 |
Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.