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S1 Nutrition

Nutrition Science is a form of health service aimed at individuals or groups to develop the quality of hospital services, health center clinics and various health services. This study program is committed to producing reliable nutrition workers in nutrition research, community service and the development of nutrition institutions.

S1 Nutrition

Degree : Bachelor
SKS : 147
Duration : 4 Year
Title : S.Gz

Accreditation LAM-PTKes

Very Good | 0777/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/IX/2022

Reason to choose S1 Nutrition in IIK Bhakta

Accreditation | S1 Nutrition

Has Excellent Accreditation.

Focus on Practice | S1 Nutrition
Focus on Practice

Students are equipped with 3 types of fieldwork, including Food Management Practice in hospitals, Dietetic or Clinic Practice in hospitals, and Community Nutrition Practice in community health centers to apply the knowledge obtained.

TOP Facilities | S1 Nutrition
TOP Facilities

Adequate facilities to support lectures and practical work.

Wide Job Opportunities | S1 Nutrition
Wide Job Opportunities

Broad job opportunities. Graduates can become entrepreneurs in the field of nutrition (nutripreneurship), not just in health facilities.


Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.

Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :

  • Para dosen terkenal ramah dan terbuka untuk berdiskusi
  • Dosen IIK Bhakta berupaya memecahkan masalah bersama saat pembelajaran berlangsung
  • Dosen dan mahasiswa saling aktif bertukar pendapat & menghargai pendapat
  • Mahasiswa ditantang untuk belajar secara independen, inkuisitif dan terus menumbuhkan percaya diri
  • Mahasiswa dipacu untuk aktif dalam pembelajaran dan kritis dalam menanggapi isu-isu kesehatan terkini


Selain belajar bersama, dosen dan para mahasiswa di IIK Bhakta juga saling support dalam meraih prestasi bersama.

Achievement of S1 Nutrition Student

The undergraduate Nutrition student representative won 3rd place in the National Poster Competition organized by the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency.

Achievement of S1 Nutrition Student

Nutrition Science Undergraduate Student Wins 1st Place in the Menu Innovation Competition for the Tempe Category for Contemporary Snacks at the National Level, Thursday (10/06/2021).

Bhakta super app


Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada

Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:

Online Learning

Online Learning

Akses Jadwal Kuliah

Akses Jadwal Kuliah

Media Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah

Media Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah

Download Materi

Download Materi

Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa

Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa

Akses KRS & KHS

Akses KRS & KHS

Akses Nilai & Transkrip Akademik

Akses Nilai & Transkrip Akademik

Media Evaluasi Dosen

Media Evaluasi Dosen

Jemput Peluang Menjadi
Tenaga Kesehatan Profesional Sekarang!

Kembangkan Dirimu Menjadi Tenaga Farmasi Anda Bersama IIK Bhakta

Faculty of Health

Gedung Graha IIK Bhakta
Lantai 1, 2, 3
(0354) 773535

Head of S1 Nutrition Study Program Speech

Nining Tyas Triatmaja, S.Gz., M.Si , Kaprodi S1 Nutrition IIK Bhakta

Selamat Datang di S1 Nutrition

Program Studi S1 Gizi merupakan salah satu program studi sarjana yang berada di bawah Fakultas Kesehatan Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata (IIK Bhakta) Kediri. Program Studi ini merupakan prodi baru yang berdiri pada tahun 2019. Walaupun prodi baru, Prodi S1 Gizi telah membuktikan capaiannya pada tahun 2022, yaitu mendapatkan Akreditasi Baik Sekali dari Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan (LAM-PT Kes) dengan nomor SK 0777/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/IX/2022.

Mahasiswa S1 Gizi tidak hanya akan dibekali perkuliahan, namun juga praktikum untuk meraih gelar Sarjana Gizi (S.Gz). Selain itu, mahasiswa juga akan dibekali dengan tiga jenis PKL, yaitu PKL Manajemen Sistem Penyelenggaraan Makanan di Rumah Sakit, PKL Dietetik atau Klinik di Rumah Sakit, dan PKL Gizi Masyarakat di Puskesmas untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu yang telah diperoleh dari kelas kuliah maupun praktikum.

Prodi S1 Gizi dilengkapi oleh sarana prasarana yang memadai untuk menunjang perkuliahan dan praktikum seperti Laboratorium Kulinari dan Gizi, Laboratorium Antropometri, Laboratorium Organoleptik, Laboratorium Anatomi Fisiologi, Laboratorium Kimia, dan laboratorium lainnya.

Lapangan pekerjaan untuk lulusan S1 Gizi sangat luas, lulusan tidak hanya mampu bekerja di fasilitas kesehatan, namun juga dapat menjadi wirausahawan di bidang gizi (nutripreneurship) seperti catering, konseling gizi, dan sebagainya. Prodi S1 Gizi akan terus memberikan kontribusi positif di dunia kesehatan sesuai dengan visi institusi dan ikut serta dalam mencerdaskan bangsa melalui Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Terima kasih dan selamat berkarya.

Kaprodi S1 Nutrition

Nining Tyas Triatmaja, S.Gz., M.Si

35 Tahun

lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan


Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional


Kurikulum Praktek


To become a study program that excels in the quality of the three pillars of higher education in the field of maternal and child nutrition and management, based on PLUS culture, at the national level by 2025.


  1. To provide high-quality academic education in the field of maternal and child nutrition that is accountable, producing outstanding health professionals at the national level.
  2. To conduct high-quality research at the national level to advance knowledge and technology in maternal and child nutrition, based on the utilization of natural resources and national culture, supporting the development of education and community service.
  3. To implement high-quality community service at the national level based on expertise in maternal and child nutrition, aimed at empowering and improving the quality of life and health of the community.
  4. To develop institutional management towards modern, efficient, and effective management, oriented towards achieving goals based on a quality assurance system and integrated information management system, upholding PLUS culture (Excellent in service, Noble in character, Superior in work, and Prosperous in living together).

Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester

Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.


Competencies or Learning Outcomes of S1 Nutrition who have just graduated (fresh graduate) are:

Attitude Aspects

  1. Believe in God Almighty and be able to show a religious attitude.
  2. Uphold human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics.
  3. Contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and civilization based on Pancasila.
  4. Act as citizens who are proud and love the country, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation.
  5. Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs as well as the original opinions or findings of other groups.
  6. Cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for the community and the environment.
  7. Obey the law and discipline social and state life.
  8. Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics.
  9. Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in his field of expertise independently.
  10. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship.

General Skills Aspects

  1. Able to apply, logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values following their field of expertise.
  2. Able to demonstrate independent, qualified, and measurable performance.
  3. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science and technology that pay attention to and apply humanities according to their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures, and ethics to produce solutions, ideas, designs, or art criticism.
  4. Able to compile a scientific description of the results of the study above in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the institute website.
  5. Able to make decisions appropriately in the context of problem-solving in their area of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis.
  6. Able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, peers both inside and outside the institution.
  7. Able to responsible for the achievement of group work and to supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers who are under their responsibility.
  8. Able to carry out the self-evaluation process of the workgroup under his/her responsibility, and able to manage the learning process independently.
  9. Able to document, store, secure, and recover data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism.

Special Skills Aspects

  1. Able to think broadly (meta-cognitive) with a scientific basis.
  2. Able to explain a basic theory, nutrition science and technology, and related sciences (food science, biomedicine, humanities, and management) in a structured manner.
  3. Able to apply nutritional science and technology in solving nutritional problems for individuals, groups, and communities through assessment of nutritional status.
  4. Able to communicate effectively in counseling, nutrition education, and dietetic services to deal with the individual, group, and community nutrition problems according to the results of the study and to consider the implications.
  5. Able to independently manage nutrition services based on standardized nutritional assessments.
  6. Able to make decisions in the process of solving nutritional problems for individuals, groups, and communities through assessment of nutritional status and related factors.
  7. Able to develop promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative nutrition services and be able to adapt to conditions with limited resources.
  8. Able to work in teams and be responsible for the results of independent or group work and have a critical attitude, empathy for clients, and work teams at the internal and external levels of the organization.
  9. Able to design and manage nutrition education using media and methods according to target characteristics.
  10. Able to design and manage food delivery in institutions by applying nutrition and management concepts.
  11. Able to develop a business plan for a program, product, or service, including development budget, staff requirements, facility requirements, equipment, and supplies.
  12. Able to carry out research in the field of nutrition and to disseminate accurate nutritional studies in the form of research reports.

35 Tahun Lebih Berpengalaman dalam Mencetak Tenaga Ahli Kesehatan

IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.

Bidang Kerja Lulusan
S1 Nutrition IIK Bhakta

Ahli Gizi di instansi kesehatan
Ahli Gizi di instansi kesehatan
R&D di Industri Makanan
R&D di Industri Makanan
Konsultan Gizi
Konsultan Gizi
Influencer Gizi
Influencer Gizi
Trainer gizi untuk altet
Trainer gizi untuk altet
Peneliti di bidang pangan & Gizi
Peneliti di bidang pangan & Gizi
Kewirausahaan di bidang kuliner dan gizi seperti catering
Kewirausahaan di bidang kuliner dan gizi seperti catering
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
Akademisi di instansi pemerintah atau swasta
Akademisi di instansi pemerintah atau swasta
Manager, Quality control (QC), quality assurance, nutrition representative di industri makanan dan minuman
Manager, Quality control (QC), quality assurance, nutrition representative di industri makanan dan minuman

Apa Kata Alumni tentang S1 Nutrition IIK Bhakta?

Testimonial from Farihatul waliden , graduate of  S1 Nutrition IIK Bhakta

During my studies at IIK Bhakta, from the beginning until now, I feel that everything I need in terms of education and infrastructure is very well provided. Not only is the academic aspect taken care of, but the non-academic aspects are also highly valued. This is what makes me enjoy studying at IIK Bhakta even more. In addition to the enjoyable education, IIK Bhakta has complete facilities. From ample and well-maintained parking spaces to luxurious laboratories, the quality of the professors and other staff is also exceptional. Overall, I believe this is the best university I have ever known. I express my heartfelt gratitude to IIK Bhakta because I believe that it is from IIK Bhakta that my future goals will be better. Amen. Thank you very much. 🙏

Farihatul waliden

Testimonial from Diah Novi Puspitasari, graduate of  S1 Nutrition IIK Bhakta

I feel lucky to have chosen IIK Bhakta as the place to pursue my education. Why do I feel lucky? Because throughout my time at IIK Bhakta, from the beginning until now, everything I need to support my learning, including infrastructure, has been well provided. IIK Bhakta has numerous excellent facilities, including comfortable classrooms, ample and well-maintained parking spaces, and fully-equipped laboratories. The professors and staff are equally remarkable. Overall, I believe IIK Bhakta is the best university I have ever known. I am very grateful to IIK Bhakta because I believe that by studying there, I can achieve my aspirations. Amen. Thank you. 🙏

Diah Novi Puspitasari

Course Distribution


Code Courses SKS Required / Selection
Theory Practice Clinic Total Required Selection
22AGE610 Religious Education 2 - - 2 -
22GZD631 Basics of Nutrition Science 2 - - 2 -
22SWE610 Civic Education 2 - - 2 -
22TIE620 Health Information Technology 2 - - 2 -
22BID630 Biology 2 - - 2 -
22KDA632 Anatomy and Physiology I 2 1 - 3 -
22GZP631 Food Science 2 1 - 3 -
22KID631 Chemistry 2 1 - 3 -
Jumlah 16 3 0 19 8 0

Fasilitas Laboratorium
S1 Nutrition

Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.

Lab Anak
Lab Anatomi & Fisiologi
Lab Baby Spa
Lab Bermain Anak
Lab CBT Center
Lab Elektroterapi
Lab Gizi
Lab Gymnasium
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab INC & Neunatus
Lab KMB 1
Lab KMB 2
Lab Komunitas Keluarga
Lab Konseling Individu
Lab Laboran dan Alat Tes
Lab Manajemen
Lab Manual Terapi
Lab Mini Hospital
Lab Pediatri
Lab Pengobatan Tradisional Tiongkok
Lab Anak
Lab Anatomi & Fisiologi
Lab Baby Spa
Lab Bermain Anak
Lab CBT Center
Lab Elektroterapi
Lab Gizi
Lab Gymnasium
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab INC & Neunatus
Lab KMB 1
Lab KMB 2
Lab Komunitas Keluarga
Lab Konseling Individu
Lab Laboran dan Alat Tes
Lab Manajemen
Lab Manual Terapi
Lab Mini Hospital
Lab Pediatri
Lab Pengobatan Tradisional Tiongkok
360 Campus Tour IIK Bhakta

Reason to choose S1 Nutrition in IIK Bhakta

Accreditation | S1 Nutrition

Has Excellent Accreditation.

Focus on Practice | S1 Nutrition
Focus on Practice

Students are equipped with 3 types of fieldwork, including Food Management Practice in hospitals, Dietetic or Clinic Practice in hospitals, and Community Nutrition Practice in community health centers to apply the knowledge obtained.

TOP Facilities | S1 Nutrition
TOP Facilities

Adequate facilities to support lectures and practical work.

Wide Job Opportunities | S1 Nutrition
Wide Job Opportunities

Broad job opportunities. Graduates can become entrepreneurs in the field of nutrition (nutripreneurship), not just in health facilities.


Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.

Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :

  • Para dosen terkenal ramah dan terbuka untuk berdiskusi
  • Dosen IIK Bhakta berupaya memecahkan masalah bersama saat pembelajaran berlangsung
  • Dosen dan mahasiswa saling aktif bertukar pendapat & menghargai pendapat
  • Mahasiswa ditantang untuk belajar secara independen, inkuisitif dan terus menumbuhkan percaya diri
  • Mahasiswa dipacu untuk aktif dalam pembelajaran dan kritis dalam menanggapi isu-isu kesehatan terkini


Selain belajar bersama, dosen dan para mahasiswa di IIK Bhakta juga saling support dalam meraih prestasi bersama.

Achievement of S1 Nutrition Student

The undergraduate Nutrition student representative won 3rd place in the National Poster Competition organized by the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency.

Achievement of S1 Nutrition Student

Nutrition Science Undergraduate Student Wins 1st Place in the Menu Innovation Competition for the Tempe Category for Contemporary Snacks at the National Level, Thursday (10/06/2021).

Bhakta super app


Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada

Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:

Online Learning

Online Learning

Akses Jadwal Kuliah

Akses Jadwal Kuliah

Media Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah

Media Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah

Download Materi

Download Materi

Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa

Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa

Akses KRS & KHS

Akses KRS & KHS

Akses Nilai & Transkrip Akademik

Akses Nilai & Transkrip Akademik

Media Evaluasi Dosen

Media Evaluasi Dosen

Jemput Peluang Menjadi
Tenaga Kesehatan Profesional Sekarang!

Kembangkan Dirimu Menjadi Tenaga Farmasi Anda Bersama IIK Bhakta

Faculty of Health

Gedung Graha IIK Bhakta
Lantai 1, 2, 3
(0354) 773535

Head of S1 Nutrition Study Program Speech

Nining Tyas Triatmaja, S.Gz., M.Si , Kaprodi S1 Nutrition IIK Bhakta

Selamat Datang di S1 Nutrition

Program Studi S1 Gizi merupakan salah satu program studi sarjana yang berada di bawah Fakultas Kesehatan Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata (IIK Bhakta) Kediri. Program Studi ini merupakan prodi baru yang berdiri pada tahun 2019. Walaupun prodi baru, Prodi S1 Gizi telah membuktikan capaiannya pada tahun 2022, yaitu mendapatkan Akreditasi Baik Sekali dari Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan (LAM-PT Kes) dengan nomor SK 0777/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/IX/2022.

Mahasiswa S1 Gizi tidak hanya akan dibekali perkuliahan, namun juga praktikum untuk meraih gelar Sarjana Gizi (S.Gz). Selain itu, mahasiswa juga akan dibekali dengan tiga jenis PKL, yaitu PKL Manajemen Sistem Penyelenggaraan Makanan di Rumah Sakit, PKL Dietetik atau Klinik di Rumah Sakit, dan PKL Gizi Masyarakat di Puskesmas untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu yang telah diperoleh dari kelas kuliah maupun praktikum.

Prodi S1 Gizi dilengkapi oleh sarana prasarana yang memadai untuk menunjang perkuliahan dan praktikum seperti Laboratorium Kulinari dan Gizi, Laboratorium Antropometri, Laboratorium Organoleptik, Laboratorium Anatomi Fisiologi, Laboratorium Kimia, dan laboratorium lainnya.

Lapangan pekerjaan untuk lulusan S1 Gizi sangat luas, lulusan tidak hanya mampu bekerja di fasilitas kesehatan, namun juga dapat menjadi wirausahawan di bidang gizi (nutripreneurship) seperti catering, konseling gizi, dan sebagainya. Prodi S1 Gizi akan terus memberikan kontribusi positif di dunia kesehatan sesuai dengan visi institusi dan ikut serta dalam mencerdaskan bangsa melalui Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Terima kasih dan selamat berkarya.

Kaprodi S1 Nutrition

Nining Tyas Triatmaja, S.Gz., M.Si

35 Tahun

lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan


Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional


Kurikulum Praktek


To become a study program that excels in the quality of the three pillars of higher education in the field of maternal and child nutrition and management, based on PLUS culture, at the national level by 2025.


  1. To provide high-quality academic education in the field of maternal and child nutrition that is accountable, producing outstanding health professionals at the national level.
  2. To conduct high-quality research at the national level to advance knowledge and technology in maternal and child nutrition, based on the utilization of natural resources and national culture, supporting the development of education and community service.
  3. To implement high-quality community service at the national level based on expertise in maternal and child nutrition, aimed at empowering and improving the quality of life and health of the community.
  4. To develop institutional management towards modern, efficient, and effective management, oriented towards achieving goals based on a quality assurance system and integrated information management system, upholding PLUS culture (Excellent in service, Noble in character, Superior in work, and Prosperous in living together).

Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester

Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.


Competencies or Learning Outcomes of S1 Nutrition who have just graduated (fresh graduate) are:

Attitude Aspects

  1. Believe in God Almighty and be able to show a religious attitude.
  2. Uphold human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics.
  3. Contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and civilization based on Pancasila.
  4. Act as citizens who are proud and love the country, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation.
  5. Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs as well as the original opinions or findings of other groups.
  6. Cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for the community and the environment.
  7. Obey the law and discipline social and state life.
  8. Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics.
  9. Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in his field of expertise independently.
  10. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship.

General Skills Aspects

  1. Able to apply, logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values following their field of expertise.
  2. Able to demonstrate independent, qualified, and measurable performance.
  3. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science and technology that pay attention to and apply humanities according to their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures, and ethics to produce solutions, ideas, designs, or art criticism.
  4. Able to compile a scientific description of the results of the study above in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the institute website.
  5. Able to make decisions appropriately in the context of problem-solving in their area of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis.
  6. Able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, peers both inside and outside the institution.
  7. Able to responsible for the achievement of group work and to supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers who are under their responsibility.
  8. Able to carry out the self-evaluation process of the workgroup under his/her responsibility, and able to manage the learning process independently.
  9. Able to document, store, secure, and recover data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism.

Special Skills Aspects

  1. Able to think broadly (meta-cognitive) with a scientific basis.
  2. Able to explain a basic theory, nutrition science and technology, and related sciences (food science, biomedicine, humanities, and management) in a structured manner.
  3. Able to apply nutritional science and technology in solving nutritional problems for individuals, groups, and communities through assessment of nutritional status.
  4. Able to communicate effectively in counseling, nutrition education, and dietetic services to deal with the individual, group, and community nutrition problems according to the results of the study and to consider the implications.
  5. Able to independently manage nutrition services based on standardized nutritional assessments.
  6. Able to make decisions in the process of solving nutritional problems for individuals, groups, and communities through assessment of nutritional status and related factors.
  7. Able to develop promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative nutrition services and be able to adapt to conditions with limited resources.
  8. Able to work in teams and be responsible for the results of independent or group work and have a critical attitude, empathy for clients, and work teams at the internal and external levels of the organization.
  9. Able to design and manage nutrition education using media and methods according to target characteristics.
  10. Able to design and manage food delivery in institutions by applying nutrition and management concepts.
  11. Able to develop a business plan for a program, product, or service, including development budget, staff requirements, facility requirements, equipment, and supplies.
  12. Able to carry out research in the field of nutrition and to disseminate accurate nutritional studies in the form of research reports.

35 Tahun Lebih Berpengalaman dalam Mencetak Tenaga Ahli Kesehatan

IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.

Bidang Kerja Lulusan
S1 Nutrition IIK Bhakta

Ahli Gizi di instansi kesehatan
Ahli Gizi di instansi kesehatan
R&D di Industri Makanan
R&D di Industri Makanan
Konsultan Gizi
Konsultan Gizi
Influencer Gizi
Influencer Gizi
Trainer gizi untuk altet
Trainer gizi untuk altet
Peneliti di bidang pangan & Gizi
Peneliti di bidang pangan & Gizi
Kewirausahaan di bidang kuliner dan gizi seperti catering
Kewirausahaan di bidang kuliner dan gizi seperti catering
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
Akademisi di instansi pemerintah atau swasta
Akademisi di instansi pemerintah atau swasta
Manager, Quality control (QC), quality assurance, nutrition representative di industri makanan dan minuman
Manager, Quality control (QC), quality assurance, nutrition representative di industri makanan dan minuman

Apa Kata Alumni tentang S1 Nutrition IIK Bhakta?

Testimonial from Farihatul waliden , graduate of  S1 Nutrition IIK Bhakta

During my studies at IIK Bhakta, from the beginning until now, I feel that everything I need in terms of education and infrastructure is very well provided. Not only is the academic aspect taken care of, but the non-academic aspects are also highly valued. This is what makes me enjoy studying at IIK Bhakta even more. In addition to the enjoyable education, IIK Bhakta has complete facilities. From ample and well-maintained parking spaces to luxurious laboratories, the quality of the professors and other staff is also exceptional. Overall, I believe this is the best university I have ever known. I express my heartfelt gratitude to IIK Bhakta because I believe that it is from IIK Bhakta that my future goals will be better. Amen. Thank you very much. 🙏

Farihatul waliden

Testimonial from Diah Novi Puspitasari, graduate of  S1 Nutrition IIK Bhakta

I feel lucky to have chosen IIK Bhakta as the place to pursue my education. Why do I feel lucky? Because throughout my time at IIK Bhakta, from the beginning until now, everything I need to support my learning, including infrastructure, has been well provided. IIK Bhakta has numerous excellent facilities, including comfortable classrooms, ample and well-maintained parking spaces, and fully-equipped laboratories. The professors and staff are equally remarkable. Overall, I believe IIK Bhakta is the best university I have ever known. I am very grateful to IIK Bhakta because I believe that by studying there, I can achieve my aspirations. Amen. Thank you. 🙏

Diah Novi Puspitasari

Course Distribution


Code Courses SKS Required / Selection
Theory Practice Clinic Total Required Selection
22AGE610 Religious Education 2 - - 2 -
22GZD631 Basics of Nutrition Science 2 - - 2 -
22SWE610 Civic Education 2 - - 2 -
22TIE620 Health Information Technology 2 - - 2 -
22BID630 Biology 2 - - 2 -
22KDA632 Anatomy and Physiology I 2 1 - 3 -
22GZP631 Food Science 2 1 - 3 -
22KID631 Chemistry 2 1 - 3 -
Jumlah 16 3 0 19 8 0

Fasilitas Laboratorium
S1 Nutrition

Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.

Lab Anak
Lab Anatomi & Fisiologi
Lab Baby Spa
Lab Bermain Anak
Lab CBT Center
Lab Elektroterapi
Lab Gizi
Lab Gymnasium
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab INC & Neunatus
Lab KMB 1
Lab KMB 2
Lab Komunitas Keluarga
Lab Konseling Individu
Lab Laboran dan Alat Tes
Lab Manajemen
Lab Manual Terapi
Lab Mini Hospital
Lab Pediatri
Lab Pengobatan Tradisional Tiongkok
Lab Anak
Lab Anatomi & Fisiologi
Lab Baby Spa
Lab Bermain Anak
Lab CBT Center
Lab Elektroterapi
Lab Gizi
Lab Gymnasium
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab INC & Neunatus
Lab KMB 1
Lab KMB 2
Lab Komunitas Keluarga
Lab Konseling Individu
Lab Laboran dan Alat Tes
Lab Manajemen
Lab Manual Terapi
Lab Mini Hospital
Lab Pediatri
Lab Pengobatan Tradisional Tiongkok
360 Campus Tour IIK Bhakta