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The Celebration of Independence of the Bhakti Wiyata Foundation

24 Aug 2024 19:04 by Totok Agung

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The excitement of celebrating the 79th independence of the Republic of Indonesia at the Bhakti Wiyata Foundation, Friday-Saturday (23-24/08/2024).

Various competitions such as volleyball, hanger relay, eating crackers, breaking dragon snakes were competed in the competition held at the Adipadma Sport Hall.

Participants from various divisions such as RSGM IIK Bhakta, SMK Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata, SMK TI Pelita Nusantara and IIK Bhakta competed to become champions in various competitions that were competed.

This activity, which is routinely held every year, apart from enlivening the Anniversary of Indonesian Independence, also aims to foster friendship between the academic community and employees at the Bhakti Wiyata Foundation.


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