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The student team from Bhakti Wiyata Health Sciences Institute conducted a community service project titled "GEMAYUR" (Vegetable Enthusiasm) at Grogol 2 Elementary School, Grogol District, Kediri Regency, starting from August 14th to September 23rd, 2023.
In this activity, 54 first-grade students were guided by 4 IIK students as leaders and accompanied by 2 first-grade teachers. The goal of this activity was to help the students of Grogol 2 Elementary School become more familiar with various vegetables, thereby increasing their knowledge and frequency of vegetable consumption.
Mrs. Anitawati, a first-grade teacher, said, "This game makes the students happy and engaged throughout the two weeks at school."
Mrs. Fitria Novita Sari, another first-grade teacher, mentioned, "First-grade students are still transitioning from kindergarten, so this game is very suitable for them due to their age. It's possible that this game can be used as a learning tool during lessons to prevent students from getting too bored."
She also added, "This game is worth continuing at Grogol 2 Elementary School because it's not boring, and it adds knowledge as it incorporates information about vegetables."
Meanwhile, four Bhakti Wiyata Health Sciences Institute students, Kharintria Urfila Astari, Berlian Hesty Wardani Praditya, Febrilia Puspita Barliana, and Alisya Putri Salsabila, along with their mentor, Mrs. Sheylla Septina Margaretta, Ns., M.Kep, explained the game's mechanics to the students at Grogol 2 Elementary School in Kediri Regency.
The next stage involved assigning roles for game preparation in two classrooms, starting with the distribution of pre-test questionnaires and week 1 monitoring cards. It was followed by the educational vegetable adventure game, post-test questionnaire distribution, and week 2 monitoring cards. The activity concluded with interviews to gather feedback from the first-grade teachers, students, and parents.
The first-grade students were highly enthusiastic about participating in the "GEMAYUR" (Vegetable Enthusiasm) game. They appeared happy and excited because the game was easy to play and could be enjoyed during break time. The students' ability to recognize vegetables improved, and they mentioned that vegetables like broccoli, potatoes, and carrots were often cooked by their parents.
During the activity, the IIK Bhakti Wiyata students, with funding from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, provided "GEMAYUR" (Vegetable Enthusiasm) game equipment, including partner manuals, a snakes and ladders game banner, game pieces, dice, cards for illness and vegetables, and award stamps for the first-grade students at Grogol 1 Elementary School.