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S1 Public health

IIK Bhakta Public Health students are prepared to become health workers who are able to identify public health problems and empower communities to improve environmental sanitation and other health programs.

S1 Public health

Degree : Bachelor
SKS : 145
Duration : 4 Year
Title : SKM (Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat)

Accreditation LAM-PTKes

Very Good | 0493/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/XI/2021

A glimpse of S1 Public health Study Program


Public health is the science and art of preventing diseases, prolonging life, and promoting health through community organization efforts for improving environmental sanitation, controlling infectious diseases, health education, organizing medical services, and social engineering development.

Why Study this Program at IIK Bhakti Wiyata?

IIK Bhakti Wiyata is one of the leading and competitive health institutes that upholds national values and respects the dignity of human beings while benefiting society in the field of health. The learning process utilizes modern equipment and the laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that align with the required competencies.

Future Job Opportunities

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree in Public Health have broad career opportunities, including:

  • Hospitals / Health Centers
  • Surveyors
  • Health promoters
  • Medical clinics and treatment centers
  • Government agencies
  • Private sector employees
  • Laboratories
  • Staf HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) & Manajer HSE
  • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Supervisor
  • Health Program Planner
  • Epidemiologist
  • Health Researcher
  • Entrepreneur
  • Primary Healthcare Service Manager
  • Community Empowerment Specialist
  • Public Health Consultant



Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.

Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :

  • Para dosen terkenal ramah dan terbuka untuk berdiskusi
  • Dosen IIK Bhakta berupaya memecahkan masalah bersama saat pembelajaran berlangsung
  • Dosen dan mahasiswa saling aktif bertukar pendapat & menghargai pendapat
  • Mahasiswa ditantang untuk belajar secara independen, inkuisitif dan terus menumbuhkan percaya diri
  • Mahasiswa dipacu untuk aktif dalam pembelajaran dan kritis dalam menanggapi isu-isu kesehatan terkini


Selain belajar bersama, dosen dan para mahasiswa di IIK Bhakta juga saling support dalam meraih prestasi bersama.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Representatives from the Public Health undergraduate program, Medina and Afnida, successfully secured the 2nd National Championship in the Samandiman Whip Dance Festival 2023 organized by the Kediri City Government.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Nursing undergraduate student, Nova Dwi Romadini, successfully won the first prize in the poster competition category at the 2.0 Digital Business Anniversary event in June 2023.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Meike Nur Cahyani, a Public Health undergraduate student, successfully achieved the "Gold Medal with A+ rating" in the HARDIKNAS (OSH) Science Olympiad for Indonesian Language in 2023 in Yogyakarta.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Anita Octasari, a Public Health undergraduate student, successfully earned a "Gold Medal" in the Indonesian Olympiad of Science (IOS) 2023 in the field of Economics at the national level, organized by the National Center for Science Excellence.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Anita Octasari, a Public Health undergraduate student, successfully earned a "Gold Medal" in the Indonesian Olympiad of Science (IOS) 2023 in the field of Biology at the national level, organized by the National Center for Science Excellence

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Meike Nur Cahyani, a Public Health undergraduate student, successfully achieved the "Gold Medal" in the National Education Day Science and Health Olympiad (OSPENAS) 2023 in Yogyakarta.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Undergraduate Public Health Student, Berliana Dwistira Septy Wins a Gold Medal at the 2023 Puskanas National Science Olympiad

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Jehian Apta Jovani, a Public Health undergraduate student, secured the 2nd place in the Group Vocal Competition and received the Best Performance award at the PORNIKES EAST JAVA 2023 event.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Undergraduate Public Health students won 3rd place in the National HIV/AIDS Counseling Competition in the framework of the 2022 National Health and World AIDS Day at Respati Indonesia University, Yogyakarta (2022).

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Public Health S1 student, Alfira Maudy Sukmaning Putri won 2nd place in the Women's Category of Pencak Silat in the UNP CUP Pencak Silat event at the PGRI University of Kediri.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

S1 Dentistry student, Moh Ainur Roziqiin managed to become the 3rd Runner Up Putra Tourism 2022, Ambassador of Agro-tourism and Ambassador of National Health 2022.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Public Health Undergraduate student, Meike Nur Cahyani, won the Favorite Winner in the 2022 Generation Planning (Genre) Ambassador Selection Event.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Undergraduate Public Health students won bronze medals in Pencak Silat in the women's category D class in the East Java Provincial Student Sports Week (Pomprov) 2022.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Public Health Undergraduate Student won 1st Place in the National Competition 6th UTU Awards on November 5, 2020 at Teuku Umar University

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Ananda Muchammad Syaiful, a Public Health Undergraduate Student, was selected as a volunteer for the "2019 Lombok Expedition" from 23-30 March 2019.

Bhakta super app


Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada

Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta mendapat kemudahan mengakses online learning dan fitur penunjang lainnya dalam aplikasi Bhakta Super Apps. Hal ini merupakan wujud nyata IIK Bhakta untuk mempertahankan kualitas pembelajaran agar tetap tercapai maksimal meskipun di tengah pandemi saat ini.

Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:

  • Online Learning dapat diakses dimana Saja
  • Kemudahan Akses Jadwal Kuliah
  • Informasi Deadline Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah
  • Download Materi Kuliah Sepuasnya
  • Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa Tersaji Secara Jelas
  • Akses Pra KRS, KRS, KHS Lebih Mudah dan Akurat
  • Akses Nilai dan Transkrip Sementara Agar MahasiswaTermotivasi
  • Evaluasi Dosen untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran dan masih banyak fitur canggih lainnya di Aplikasi OASIS IIK Bhakti Wiyata

Jemput Peluang Menjadi
Tenaga Kesehatan Profesional Sekarang!

Kembangkan Dirimu Bersama IIK Bhakta

Faculty of Technology and Health Management

Gedung Graha IIK Bhakta
Lantai 1, 2, 3
(0354) 773535

Head of S1 Public health Study Program Speech

Endah Retnani Wismaningsih., S.KM., M.Kes. , Kaprodi S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

Selamat Datang di S1 Public health

Program Studi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat merupakan program studi akademik jenjang sarjana yang berada di bawah naungan Fakultas Teknologi dan Manajemen Kesehatan Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata (IIK Bhakta) Kediri yang berdiri sejak 27 September 2005. Prodi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat telah terakreditasi Baik Sekali berdasarkan SK. LAM-PTKes No. 0493/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/XI/2021.

Program Studi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat berorientasi sarjana kesehatan masyarakat yang siap bekerja pada layanan kesehatan masyarakat primer sesuai Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) level 6 dengan kompetensi lulusan pendidikan sarjana kesehatan masyarakat yang ditetapkan oleh Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (AIPTKMI). Program Studi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat membekali mahasiswa dengan kemampuan hardskill dan softskill yang menunjang mahasiswa di dunia kerja terutama melalui pengalaman melalui Praktik Belajar Lapangan, Praktek Kerja Lapangan serta pengalaman dalam Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM).

Lulusan Program Studi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat IIK Bhakta saat ini telah bekerja di berbagai instansi baik di layanan kesehatan primer, rumah sakit, maupun industri. Lulusan S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat Bhakta mendapatkan pekerjaan relatif cepat dan memiliki masa tunggu relatif singkat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa lulusan memiliki daya saing yang tinggi di pasar kerja. Dengan demikian diharapkan Program Studi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat terus memberikan kontribusi dalam menghasilkan lulusan yang kompeten yang memiliki budaya PLUS (Prima dalam layanan, Luhur dalam berbudi pekerti, Unggul dalam berkarya, Sejahtera dalam kebersamaan).

Kaprodi S1 Public health

Endah Retnani Wismaningsih., S.KM., M.Kes.

Jumlah Statistik
statistik prodi S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

35 Tahun

lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan


Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional


Kurikulum Praktek

Becoming a Public Health Study Program that is superior, competitive at the national level, upholds human dignity has a national perspective, and plays a role in encouraging sustainable development in the field of watershed public health in 2021.

Mission of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, namely:
  1. Organizing competent and accountable watershed community health academic education so as to produce public health professionals.
  2. Conducting research to develop innovative science and technology in the field of watershed public health based on the utilization of natural resources and national culture to support the development of education and community service.
  3. Organizing community service based on expertise in the field of watershed community health science and technology to empower and improve the quality of life and public health.
  4. Implementing efficient and effective modern management oriented towards achieving goals based on a quality assurance system and integrated information system management by upholding the PLUS culture (Prime in service, Noble in character, Excellence in work, and Prosperity in living together).

Objectives of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program
  1. Produce public health graduates who are professional, creative, innovative, competent, and accountable as health professionals who are able to compete well at the national level.
  2. Produce innovative basic research, development, and application in the field of science and watershed public health based on the utilization of national natural and cultural resources that have obtained national standard patents and/or publications.
  3. Generate community service in the field of watershed community health that is beneficial through community empowerment and improving the quality of human life.
  4. Realizing modern institutional management based on quality assurance system, integrated information system management and PLUS culture.

Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester

Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.


In the Academic Script of Public Health Education, eight main competencies have been established as the foundational competencies for all graduates in the field of public health:

  1. Able to conduct studies and analysis (Analysis and Assessment).
  2. Capable of developing health policies and program planning (Policy development and program planning).
  3. Proficient in communication skills (Communication skill).
  4. Understanding local culture and wisdom (Cultural competency/local wisdom).
  5. Capable of community empowerment (Community dimensions of practice).
  6. Understanding the fundamentals of public health sciences (Basic public health sciences).
  7. Able to plan and manage financial resources (Financial planning and management).
  8. Proficient in leadership and systems thinking/total system approach (Leadership and systems thinking/total system).

Supporting competencies for graduates of the Bachelor's degree program in Public Health at IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri include:

  1. Mastering and developing health information technology.
  2. Able to self-develop and work collaboratively in a team that benefits the wider community.
  3. Capable of analyzing health problems in order to conduct health research and community service to improve the health status of the community.

Other competencies of graduates of the Bachelor's degree program in Public Health at IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri include:

  1. Proficiency in foreign languages.
  2. Capable of analyzing health problems and finding solutions based on physical and non-physical environmental factors to improve the health status of the community.

35 Tahun Lebih Berpengalaman dalam Mencetak Tenaga Ahli Kesehatan

IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.

Bidang Kerja Lulusan
S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

Balai Pengobatan & Klinik
Balai Pengobatan & Klinik
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit
Promotor kesehatan
Promotor kesehatan
Pembina K3
Pembina K3
HSE staff & HSE manager
HSE staff & HSE manager
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
Perencana program kesehatan
Perencana program kesehatan
Peneliti kesehatan
Peneliti kesehatan
Manajer layanan kesehatan primer
Manajer layanan kesehatan primer
Pemberdaya masyarakat
Pemberdaya masyarakat
Konsultan bidang kesehatan masyarakat
Konsultan bidang kesehatan masyarakat

Apa Kata Alumni tentang S1 Public health IIK Bhakta?

Testimonial from Wildan Arpandu, S.K.M, graduate of  S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

During my education at IIK, the campus provided an enjoyable learning experience, from adequate facilities that supported lectures to competent lecturers in their respective fields. The teaching methods were diverse, preventing students from feeling bored throughout their education. The course materials were also relevant to the conditions in the workplace, ensuring that graduating students are well-prepared to enter the workforce in their respective fields.

Wildan Arpandu, S.K.M
Graduation Year 2015
Health Promotion Program Coordinator in UPTD Puskesmas Long Loreh, Kabupaten Malinau, Kalimantan Utara

Testimonial from Ni Putu Priyanka Ayu Ratnanggana, S.KM, graduate of  S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

During my public health studies at IIK Bhakta, I had the opportunity to learn a lot in various areas, especially in my field of interest, which is Health Policy Administration (AKK). I was able to study management systems, health regulations, administration, and more. It was exciting to learn about AKK because I had the intention of working in the administrative department of a hospital. Now, I have achieved that goal by working in the medical records department and handling administrative tasks related to BPJS Health claims. The lessons I learned during my studies are applied in my workplace and have been truly helpful, especially in the hospital administration field. The lecturers were also engaging, creating a relaxed learning atmosphere in both physical and online classes, making the materials more understandable. In summary, studying public health was really enjoyable!

Ni Putu Priyanka Ayu Ratnanggana, S.KM
Graduation Year 2023
Health Administrator in the Medical Records Unit. in RSU Grha Bhakti Medika, Bali

Testimonial from Fransiskus A.C.Waku Moan, S.KM.,M.KKK., graduate of  S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

During my studies at IIK Bhakta, majoring in Occupational Health and Safety (K3), I felt extremely comfortable and proud to pursue knowledge at this campus. This is due to the support and guidance provided by the lecturers and the academic environment that strongly fosters the development of both hard and soft skills. The diverse field of expertise in the public health program also opens up extensive job opportunities for public health graduates, not only in the healthcare sector but also in various other industrial sectors.

Fransiskus A.C.Waku Moan, S.KM.,M.KKK.
Graduation Year 2008
EHS Supervisor in PT.Excellen SILO Leaching Jakarta

Testimoni Reni Nugraheni, lulusan S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

In my opinion, IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri is the Health Sciences Institute in Indonesia that I believe is one of the best educational institutions in the field of health, especially in the Kediri region. I am a transfer student from the midwifery program, and for that reason, I chose to continue my studies at IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri and pursue a Bachelors degree in Public Health. For me, Public Health is the newest program in the field of health. Although Public Health is not yet well-known in the field of health, I am confident that with the support of the lecturers and the complete facilities, I can achieve my future and dreams.

Reni Nugraheni

Testimoni Ruli Asharil, lulusan S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri is a superior higher education institution compared to other colleges in Kediri, particularly in the field of Bachelors degree in Public Health. IIK Bhakta has well-equipped laboratory facilities, allowing students to further develop their acquired knowledge. I am proud to be a student at IIK Bhakta, and I believe that I will become a qualified healthcare professional who can make a positive impact on others while upholding honesty, fairness, and a strong sense of responsibility as a healthcare worker.

Ruli Asharil

Course Distribution


distribusi mata kuliah

Fasilitas Laboratorium
S1 Public health

Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.

Lab Analising, Reporting & Filling
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab CBT Center
Lab Hematologi
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab Kes Mas
Lab Kimi Amami
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Koding, Indeksing, dan Assembling
Lab Media
Lab Parasitologi
Lab Analising, Reporting & Filling
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab CBT Center
Lab Hematologi
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab Kes Mas
Lab Kimi Amami
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Koding, Indeksing, dan Assembling
Lab Media
Lab Parasitologi
360 Campus Tour IIK Bhakta

Sekilas Tentang Program Studi S1 Public health


Public health is the science and art of preventing diseases, prolonging life, and promoting health through community organization efforts for improving environmental sanitation, controlling infectious diseases, health education, organizing medical services, and social engineering development.

Why Study this Program at IIK Bhakti Wiyata?

IIK Bhakti Wiyata is one of the leading and competitive health institutes that upholds national values and respects the dignity of human beings while benefiting society in the field of health. The learning process utilizes modern equipment and the laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that align with the required competencies.

Future Job Opportunities

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree in Public Health have broad career opportunities, including:

  • Hospitals / Health Centers
  • Surveyors
  • Health promoters
  • Medical clinics and treatment centers
  • Government agencies
  • Private sector employees
  • Laboratories
  • Staf HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) & Manajer HSE
  • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Supervisor
  • Health Program Planner
  • Epidemiologist
  • Health Researcher
  • Entrepreneur
  • Primary Healthcare Service Manager
  • Community Empowerment Specialist
  • Public Health Consultant



Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.

Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :

  • Para dosen terkenal ramah dan terbuka untuk berdiskusi
  • Dosen IIK Bhakta berupaya memecahkan masalah bersama saat pembelajaran berlangsung
  • Dosen dan mahasiswa saling aktif bertukar pendapat & menghargai pendapat
  • Mahasiswa ditantang untuk belajar secara independen, inkuisitif dan terus menumbuhkan percaya diri
  • Mahasiswa dipacu untuk aktif dalam pembelajaran dan kritis dalam menanggapi isu-isu kesehatan terkini


Selain belajar bersama, dosen dan para mahasiswa di IIK Bhakta juga saling support dalam meraih prestasi bersama.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Representatives from the Public Health undergraduate program, Medina and Afnida, successfully secured the 2nd National Championship in the Samandiman Whip Dance Festival 2023 organized by the Kediri City Government.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Nursing undergraduate student, Nova Dwi Romadini, successfully won the first prize in the poster competition category at the 2.0 Digital Business Anniversary event in June 2023.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Meike Nur Cahyani, a Public Health undergraduate student, successfully achieved the "Gold Medal with A+ rating" in the HARDIKNAS (OSH) Science Olympiad for Indonesian Language in 2023 in Yogyakarta.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Anita Octasari, a Public Health undergraduate student, successfully earned a "Gold Medal" in the Indonesian Olympiad of Science (IOS) 2023 in the field of Economics at the national level, organized by the National Center for Science Excellence.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Anita Octasari, a Public Health undergraduate student, successfully earned a "Gold Medal" in the Indonesian Olympiad of Science (IOS) 2023 in the field of Biology at the national level, organized by the National Center for Science Excellence

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Meike Nur Cahyani, a Public Health undergraduate student, successfully achieved the "Gold Medal" in the National Education Day Science and Health Olympiad (OSPENAS) 2023 in Yogyakarta.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Undergraduate Public Health Student, Berliana Dwistira Septy Wins a Gold Medal at the 2023 Puskanas National Science Olympiad

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Jehian Apta Jovani, a Public Health undergraduate student, secured the 2nd place in the Group Vocal Competition and received the Best Performance award at the PORNIKES EAST JAVA 2023 event.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Undergraduate Public Health students won 3rd place in the National HIV/AIDS Counseling Competition in the framework of the 2022 National Health and World AIDS Day at Respati Indonesia University, Yogyakarta (2022).

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Public Health S1 student, Alfira Maudy Sukmaning Putri won 2nd place in the Women's Category of Pencak Silat in the UNP CUP Pencak Silat event at the PGRI University of Kediri.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

S1 Dentistry student, Moh Ainur Roziqiin managed to become the 3rd Runner Up Putra Tourism 2022, Ambassador of Agro-tourism and Ambassador of National Health 2022.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Public Health Undergraduate student, Meike Nur Cahyani, won the Favorite Winner in the 2022 Generation Planning (Genre) Ambassador Selection Event.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Undergraduate Public Health students won bronze medals in Pencak Silat in the women's category D class in the East Java Provincial Student Sports Week (Pomprov) 2022.

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Public Health Undergraduate Student won 1st Place in the National Competition 6th UTU Awards on November 5, 2020 at Teuku Umar University

Achievement of S1 Public health Student

Ananda Muchammad Syaiful, a Public Health Undergraduate Student, was selected as a volunteer for the "2019 Lombok Expedition" from 23-30 March 2019.

Bhakta super app


Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada

Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta mendapat kemudahan mengakses online learning dan fitur penunjang lainnya dalam aplikasi Bhakta Super Apps. Hal ini merupakan wujud nyata IIK Bhakta untuk mempertahankan kualitas pembelajaran agar tetap tercapai maksimal meskipun di tengah pandemi saat ini.

Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:

  • Online Learning dapat diakses dimana Saja
  • Kemudahan Akses Jadwal Kuliah
  • Informasi Deadline Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah
  • Download Materi Kuliah Sepuasnya
  • Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa Tersaji Secara Jelas
  • Akses Pra KRS, KRS, KHS Lebih Mudah dan Akurat
  • Akses Nilai dan Transkrip Sementara Agar MahasiswaTermotivasi
  • Evaluasi Dosen untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran dan masih banyak fitur canggih lainnya di Aplikasi OASIS IIK Bhakti Wiyata

Jemput Peluang Menjadi
Tenaga Kesehatan Profesional Sekarang!

Kembangkan Dirimu Bersama IIK Bhakta

Faculty of Technology and Health Management

Gedung Graha IIK Bhakta
Lantai 1, 2, 3
(0354) 773535

Head of S1 Public health Study Program Speech

Endah Retnani Wismaningsih., S.KM., M.Kes. , Kaprodi S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

Selamat Datang di S1 Public health

Program Studi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat merupakan program studi akademik jenjang sarjana yang berada di bawah naungan Fakultas Teknologi dan Manajemen Kesehatan Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata (IIK Bhakta) Kediri yang berdiri sejak 27 September 2005. Prodi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat telah terakreditasi Baik Sekali berdasarkan SK. LAM-PTKes No. 0493/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/XI/2021.

Program Studi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat berorientasi sarjana kesehatan masyarakat yang siap bekerja pada layanan kesehatan masyarakat primer sesuai Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) level 6 dengan kompetensi lulusan pendidikan sarjana kesehatan masyarakat yang ditetapkan oleh Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (AIPTKMI). Program Studi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat membekali mahasiswa dengan kemampuan hardskill dan softskill yang menunjang mahasiswa di dunia kerja terutama melalui pengalaman melalui Praktik Belajar Lapangan, Praktek Kerja Lapangan serta pengalaman dalam Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM).

Lulusan Program Studi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat IIK Bhakta saat ini telah bekerja di berbagai instansi baik di layanan kesehatan primer, rumah sakit, maupun industri. Lulusan S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat Bhakta mendapatkan pekerjaan relatif cepat dan memiliki masa tunggu relatif singkat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa lulusan memiliki daya saing yang tinggi di pasar kerja. Dengan demikian diharapkan Program Studi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat terus memberikan kontribusi dalam menghasilkan lulusan yang kompeten yang memiliki budaya PLUS (Prima dalam layanan, Luhur dalam berbudi pekerti, Unggul dalam berkarya, Sejahtera dalam kebersamaan).

Kaprodi S1 Public health

Endah Retnani Wismaningsih., S.KM., M.Kes.

Jumlah Statistik
statistik prodi S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

35 Tahun

lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan


Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional


Kurikulum Praktek

Becoming a Public Health Study Program that is superior, competitive at the national level, upholds human dignity has a national perspective, and plays a role in encouraging sustainable development in the field of watershed public health in 2021.

Mission of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, namely:
  1. Organizing competent and accountable watershed community health academic education so as to produce public health professionals.
  2. Conducting research to develop innovative science and technology in the field of watershed public health based on the utilization of natural resources and national culture to support the development of education and community service.
  3. Organizing community service based on expertise in the field of watershed community health science and technology to empower and improve the quality of life and public health.
  4. Implementing efficient and effective modern management oriented towards achieving goals based on a quality assurance system and integrated information system management by upholding the PLUS culture (Prime in service, Noble in character, Excellence in work, and Prosperity in living together).

Objectives of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program
  1. Produce public health graduates who are professional, creative, innovative, competent, and accountable as health professionals who are able to compete well at the national level.
  2. Produce innovative basic research, development, and application in the field of science and watershed public health based on the utilization of national natural and cultural resources that have obtained national standard patents and/or publications.
  3. Generate community service in the field of watershed community health that is beneficial through community empowerment and improving the quality of human life.
  4. Realizing modern institutional management based on quality assurance system, integrated information system management and PLUS culture.

Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester

Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.


In the Academic Script of Public Health Education, eight main competencies have been established as the foundational competencies for all graduates in the field of public health:

  1. Able to conduct studies and analysis (Analysis and Assessment).
  2. Capable of developing health policies and program planning (Policy development and program planning).
  3. Proficient in communication skills (Communication skill).
  4. Understanding local culture and wisdom (Cultural competency/local wisdom).
  5. Capable of community empowerment (Community dimensions of practice).
  6. Understanding the fundamentals of public health sciences (Basic public health sciences).
  7. Able to plan and manage financial resources (Financial planning and management).
  8. Proficient in leadership and systems thinking/total system approach (Leadership and systems thinking/total system).

Supporting competencies for graduates of the Bachelor's degree program in Public Health at IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri include:

  1. Mastering and developing health information technology.
  2. Able to self-develop and work collaboratively in a team that benefits the wider community.
  3. Capable of analyzing health problems in order to conduct health research and community service to improve the health status of the community.

Other competencies of graduates of the Bachelor's degree program in Public Health at IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri include:

  1. Proficiency in foreign languages.
  2. Capable of analyzing health problems and finding solutions based on physical and non-physical environmental factors to improve the health status of the community.

35 Tahun Lebih Berpengalaman dalam Mencetak Tenaga Ahli Kesehatan

IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.

Bidang Kerja Lulusan
S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

Balai Pengobatan & Klinik
Balai Pengobatan & Klinik
Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit
Promotor kesehatan
Promotor kesehatan
Pembina K3
Pembina K3
HSE staff & HSE manager
HSE staff & HSE manager
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
Perencana program kesehatan
Perencana program kesehatan
Peneliti kesehatan
Peneliti kesehatan
Manajer layanan kesehatan primer
Manajer layanan kesehatan primer
Pemberdaya masyarakat
Pemberdaya masyarakat
Konsultan bidang kesehatan masyarakat
Konsultan bidang kesehatan masyarakat

Apa Kata Alumni tentang S1 Public health IIK Bhakta?

Testimonial from Wildan Arpandu, S.K.M, graduate of  S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

During my education at IIK, the campus provided an enjoyable learning experience, from adequate facilities that supported lectures to competent lecturers in their respective fields. The teaching methods were diverse, preventing students from feeling bored throughout their education. The course materials were also relevant to the conditions in the workplace, ensuring that graduating students are well-prepared to enter the workforce in their respective fields.

Wildan Arpandu, S.K.M
Graduation Year 2015
Health Promotion Program Coordinator in UPTD Puskesmas Long Loreh, Kabupaten Malinau, Kalimantan Utara

Testimonial from Ni Putu Priyanka Ayu Ratnanggana, S.KM, graduate of  S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

During my public health studies at IIK Bhakta, I had the opportunity to learn a lot in various areas, especially in my field of interest, which is Health Policy Administration (AKK). I was able to study management systems, health regulations, administration, and more. It was exciting to learn about AKK because I had the intention of working in the administrative department of a hospital. Now, I have achieved that goal by working in the medical records department and handling administrative tasks related to BPJS Health claims. The lessons I learned during my studies are applied in my workplace and have been truly helpful, especially in the hospital administration field. The lecturers were also engaging, creating a relaxed learning atmosphere in both physical and online classes, making the materials more understandable. In summary, studying public health was really enjoyable!

Ni Putu Priyanka Ayu Ratnanggana, S.KM
Graduation Year 2023
Health Administrator in the Medical Records Unit. in RSU Grha Bhakti Medika, Bali

Testimonial from Fransiskus A.C.Waku Moan, S.KM.,M.KKK., graduate of  S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

During my studies at IIK Bhakta, majoring in Occupational Health and Safety (K3), I felt extremely comfortable and proud to pursue knowledge at this campus. This is due to the support and guidance provided by the lecturers and the academic environment that strongly fosters the development of both hard and soft skills. The diverse field of expertise in the public health program also opens up extensive job opportunities for public health graduates, not only in the healthcare sector but also in various other industrial sectors.

Fransiskus A.C.Waku Moan, S.KM.,M.KKK.
Graduation Year 2008
EHS Supervisor in PT.Excellen SILO Leaching Jakarta

Testimoni Reni Nugraheni, lulusan S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

In my opinion, IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri is the Health Sciences Institute in Indonesia that I believe is one of the best educational institutions in the field of health, especially in the Kediri region. I am a transfer student from the midwifery program, and for that reason, I chose to continue my studies at IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri and pursue a Bachelors degree in Public Health. For me, Public Health is the newest program in the field of health. Although Public Health is not yet well-known in the field of health, I am confident that with the support of the lecturers and the complete facilities, I can achieve my future and dreams.

Reni Nugraheni

Testimoni Ruli Asharil, lulusan S1 Public health IIK Bhakta

IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri is a superior higher education institution compared to other colleges in Kediri, particularly in the field of Bachelors degree in Public Health. IIK Bhakta has well-equipped laboratory facilities, allowing students to further develop their acquired knowledge. I am proud to be a student at IIK Bhakta, and I believe that I will become a qualified healthcare professional who can make a positive impact on others while upholding honesty, fairness, and a strong sense of responsibility as a healthcare worker.

Ruli Asharil

Course Distribution


distribusi mata kuliah

Fasilitas Laboratorium
S1 Public health

Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.

Lab Analising, Reporting & Filling
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab CBT Center
Lab Hematologi
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab Kes Mas
Lab Kimi Amami
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Koding, Indeksing, dan Assembling
Lab Media
Lab Parasitologi
Lab Analising, Reporting & Filling
Lab Bakteriologi
Lab CBT Center
Lab Hematologi
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab Kes Mas
Lab Kimi Amami
Lab Kimia Kualitatif
Lab Kimia Kuantitatif
Lab Koding, Indeksing, dan Assembling
Lab Media
Lab Parasitologi
360 Campus Tour IIK Bhakta